Tuesday, November 3, 2020

FW: [chicago-aneinu] TEFILLAH'S POTENT POWER - L'iluy Nishmas Rabbi Gershon Zeffren z"l / L'iluy NIshmas Mrs. Chaya Newman a"h

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 11/3/20 10:51 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <myysbyy@aol.com>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] TEFILLAH'S POTENT POWER - L'iluy Nishmas Rabbi Gershon Zeffren z"l / L'iluy NIshmas Mrs. Chaya Newman a"h

From: Esther Lerner <elerner@torah-umesorah.org>
Sent: Tue, Nov 3, 2020 9:50 am
Subject: TEFILLAH'S POTENT POWER - L'iluy Nishmas Rabbi Gershon Zeffren z"l / L'iluy NIshmas Mrs. Chaya Newman a"h

L'iluy Nishmas CHAYA MASHA Bas R' YAKOV a"h

"There are no atheists in foxholes," common wisdom states.  Faced with flying bullets or critical illness or financial ruin, even a person of the most tenuous faith is likely to recognize that only G-d can help him.  However, in the smaller challenges, he tends to mistakenly believe he is "on his own."
Rabbeinu Yonah explains:
…With regard to small things, he will not remember Hashem, because the job is small in his eyes and he is certain in this mind that he will be able to handle it [and that he certainly will succeed] or that failure won't cause a significant loss.
The way to build emunah and to develop reliance on Him in all matters is to keep communicating with Hashem as the day's events unfold.
Once the chassidim of the Maggid, Reb Mottel of Chernobyl, saw him standing by the window moving his lips.  They came close to hear what he was saying, imagining he was saying some deep Kabbalistic prayer.  They were shocked when they heard the Rebbe saying: "Ribono Shel Olam, the maid who helps my wife wants to quit, but my wife really needs her help, so please make the maid change her mind."  The chassidim asked the Rebbe why he, the great gaon, was praying like a simple person, asking Hashem for such a simple thing.  Replied the Maggid: "Who else should I ask?"
Shelah HaKadosh advises: "…Each individual is required to pray to Hashem for every need… And after he prays he should deal with his transactions and place his trust [in Hashem]…"  After the endeavor, he should acknowledge that the outcome is from Hashem.
Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, Mashgiach of the Mirrer Yeshivah in Europe, said: "Chazal did not do even the smallest movement without prayer.  When they entered the study hall to learn Torah, they prayed; when they departed, they prayed."  Did these Torah giants lack confidence in their ability to learn?  On the contrary, they were brimming with confidence – not in their own abilities, but in Hashem's love for them and His ability to grant them success.
A group of children try to build a clubhouse in the backyard, but the unwieldy boards are too much for them to handle.  "We need a father to help us," one boy says.  "Mine isn't home," says another.  "Mine is busy," says the third.  "Mine doesn't know how to build stuff," says the fourth.  "Don't' worry," says the fifth child confidently.  "My father can help us.  I'll go ask him."
This is our Father.  He is always there, always has time for us, and is capable of anything.  Every time we "go ask Him," we reconfirm in our hearts our confidence in His loving care.

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