Sunday, March 13, 2022

FW: Purim Schedule and RSVP

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-------- Original message --------
From: FREE of Chicago - The Bellows Center <>
Date: 3/13/22 2:05 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Purim Schedule and RSVP

We are looking forward to celebrating Purim together - Here is the schedule for Purim

This Week
Shacharis 9:00 am
: 6:45 pm
Shiur (Also available online)
Mairiv: 7:25 pm

Purim Schedule
Wednesday, Taanis Esther
Fast Begins 5:34am
Shachris 9:00am

Mincha 6:20pm (Preceded by Machatzis Hashekel)
Mairiv: 7:20pm
Megila 7:30pm
Followed By Shul Purim Party RSVP Here
Co-Sponsored by Rabbi Eliezer and Avigal Bakaleynik in honor of the Yahrtzeit of Yekusiel Dov ben Shmuel a"h  (yahrzeit 13 Adar II), Yisroel ben Mordechai a"h (yahrzeit Purim Day), Babushka Matl bas Yaakov a"h (birthday Purim Day)

Thursday, Purim Day
Shachris 9:00am
Megilah 9:35am
Mincha: 2:00pm
Maariv: 10:00pm

Matonos Loevyonim
As every year if you would like Rabbi Notik to distribute Matonos Loevyonim - Money to the poor on Purim on your behalf please contribute in person or online here















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