Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Fwd: Did you get our Mishloach Manos? The Soul Kind.

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From: Sichos In English <info@sie.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 15, 2022, 10:06 AM
Subject: Did you get our Mishloach Manos? The Soul Kind.
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

12 Adar, 5782 - March 15, 2022
Did you get our Mishloach Manos? The Soul Kind.

Dear Friends,

Purim is in the air, and the Yom Tov frenzy is invigorating. Before you are swept away in the festivities, take a look at the Sichos in English Mishloach Manos. 


We are sending you some food for the soul, an exclusive Sichos in English curated Purim package with learning material to suit all learning palates. 


Masked in the festivities and Purim mitzvos, celebrating Purim brings to fore the essence of Jewish identity. We know it is hard to find time during the busy Purim hustle to capitalize on the holiness of the day and learn. Having you in mind, here at Sichos in English we curated a Purim learning package, a packet chock-full of content well-worth the learning investment. 


This Purim, here is what you can learn:

The Purim Protection Maamar and Sichah:

Purim Maamar 5713/1953

Relevant to current world affairs, gain insight on the inner workings of Haman's plot and the Rebbe's powerful verdict that the Jewish People deserve Hashem's protection on all grounds. A special foreword details the story of this Maamar's timely impacts.


Purim Sichah 5722 and 5727

As a sequel to the abovementioned Maamar, this new- release Sichah brings dimension to the Purim story, explaining the decree which led to Haman's plot and how Queen Esther plundered Haman's plans through placing her trust in Hashem.


The Alter Rebbe's Maamar Chayav Inish

An excerpt from the upcoming series Lessons in Torah Ohr/ Likkutei Torah, this foundational Maamar offers an in-depth appreciation of the Chassidic perspective of ad d'lo yada.


The collection of Chabad Customs for Purim

Learn an excerpt of Sefer HaMinhagim detailing Chabad Purim minhagim and their sources.

A Freilichen Purim

Sichos in English

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