Saturday, February 10, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Rabbi Travis - Name for Davening

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rabbi Travis - Name for Davening

Q&A Update

 Feb 10th 2024 / 2 b'Shvat 5784

By Rabbi Daniel Travis
Rabbi Daniel Travis is Rosh Kollel of Kollel Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim and the author of a number of seforim, including Shailos Uteshuvos Toras Chaim and Praying With Joy 1-5, practical daily guides to improving one's prayers, available from Feldheim Publishers. 
For more information about his work or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email
Video Message from Rabbi Travis
Thanking Hashem When Things Look Bad #1506 - Positive Despair Before Moshiach

Questions & Answers

Based on divrei halachah heard from Rav Azriel Auerbach and Rav Shlomo Zafrani. The answers given here are the general rule, but each case is unique and must be referred to a posek.
Rav Azriel Auerbach
Rav Shlomo Zafrani
For a private appointment with the rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel, or to send questions, email Rabbi Travis at
Selected shailos will be printed in this column.
The author expresses his gratitude to
R' Naftali and Rivki Leshkowitz
who sponsor the shaylos and teshuvos program of Kollel Toras Chaim
and the weekly questions. For more information about Rabbi Travis's work
or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email


I saw the response from Rav Auerbach about allocating tzedakah to a Yissochor-Zevulun arrangement as opposed to a yeshiva incentive. Based on what was written, I have the following question. If I give money to a yeshiva, which may very well go towards other expenses, especially if they do not have a kollel, is it better for me to give my tzedakah funds to a kollel than a yeshiva? If so, there are so many kollelim and so many yungeleit. Which one should I give to?

Rav Auerbach:
There is a very big inyan to be a Yissochor-Zevulun, but in order to have that status, one has to really be a partner and support the talmid chochom completely. This means that he needs to make sure that all of his expenses are paid for, including marrying off his children. If he does not do this, then it is still a very big inyan to support kollel yungeleit who are learning, but it is me'ein, or similar to, a Yissochor-Zevulun, but not completely. If you are not doing an actual Yissochor-Zevulun, then I am not sure if it is a bigger zechus to give to a yungerman than a yeshiva, as I am not privileged to know all of the secrets of Shomayim. The main thing is that you should use your tzedakah money to support Torah, and then, when you get to Olam Haba, you will be zocheh to very great reward. 
Mistaken Brachos
I started saying a brocha, until and including the word Elokeinu, and then I realized that I had already said this brocha. I came up with the following creative idea to potentially get around this predicament. The posuk in Devorim 5:2 says, "Hashem Elokeinu koras imonu bris b'Chorev." I thought that even though I started with the words "Boruch Atah," nonetheless, since I finished reciting the verse, it was as if I said this verse and maybe this would remove the problem of brocha levatalah. Does the rov think that this works?

Rav Auerbach:
I don't believe that it helps to say that verse, for since you said the words "Boruch Atah" beforehand, it does not really appear like you are saying that posuk. If you didn't finish the word Elokeinu, i.e., you only said the word Elokei, then you can complete the verse "Boruch Atah Hashem Elokei Yisroel…" If you already completed the word Elokeinu, it would not help anymore to go back and say that posuk. You should say the words, "Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso l'olam va'ed."

Name for Davening
I have been a baal teshuvah for over 40 years, but my mother does not have a Hebrew name. When I tell people that my mother's name is Nancy, they ask me if she was the former presidential first lady and presidential candidate or make other various remarks, or they get confused. My mother spent some time in Israel when she was younger on a Shomer Hatzair kibbutz, and there they called her Chana. She never uses that name, but I was wondering if I could tell people to daven for her, and myself, and my brother who is also a baal teshuvah, using Chana as her name.

Rav Zafrani:
In order to be considered her name for tefillah, she has to use it with some sort of regularity, e.g., at least she should tell other Jewish people in her shul who she is friendly with that this is her name. Otherwise, it is better to continue using the name Nancy.

By the way, many great people had non-Jewish names themselves. For example, the Maggid Mishneh was called Vidal. I know great talmidei chachomim today whose mothers did not have Jewish names, and they also tell people to daven for them with those names. You don't have to take seriously what other people say.

While we are on the topic of gedolim and tzaddikim whose mothers do not have Hebrew names, the name for tefillah of my close friend, Rav Yaakov Hillel, is Yaakov ben Gladys Chatun. The rosh yeshiva had a serious operation this week and is zakuk l'rachamei Shomayim. I ask that all Jews, especially those who read this column, please include Rav Hillel in their tefillos.

Rabbi Travis gives a daily shiur on
Thanking Hashem
for things that seem bad

See it at:
It can be accessed by telephone:
In the USA at:  (718) 521-5231, then dial 17-15-2.
In Israel at: (03) 617-1190, then dial 22.
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Rabbi Daniel Travis
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Wall Street Torah
is an organization founded by Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg z"tl and under the leadership of other authorities in Choshen Mishpat and business law that is run by Rabbi Daniel Travis.

The organization aims to meet twice a year in Manhattan to discuss issues relevant to business people.

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or to find out more, email
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