Thursday, February 1, 2024

Fw: The Importance of Simple Things

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Subject: The Importance of Simple Things
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Daily Wisdom

After the Giving of the Ten Commandments, G‑d told Moses to ascend Mount Sinai and remain there for 40 days in order to learn the rest of the Torah. Some of the laws that G‑d taught Moses concerned how to build an altar for sacrifices. One of these laws was that the altar must be ascended by means of a ramp, rather than by stairs.

You must not ascend My altar on steps, so that your nakedness not be exposed over it. (Exodus 20:23)

The priests wore trousers under their tunics, so their bodies would not have been exposed to the altar even on a staircase. Nonetheless, since walking up a staircase gives the impression of exposing one's uncovered body, it is more modest to use a ramp. If G‑d requires us to respect the "feelings" of unfeeling stones, all the more so does He require us to respect the feelings of our fellow human beings.

The requirement to show respect to the stones of the altar teaches us to safeguard the honor of other people even when they are not aware that they are being disrespected, even when we do not mean to offend them.

Thus, this last verse of this section of the Torah sums up the message of G‑d's revelation at Mount Sinai: G‑d is found in even the most mundane things. Our relationships with other people are part and parcel of our relationship with G‑d. And in a positive sense, loving other people is in truth loving our Creator.

The Silent Day

The Silent Day

Six days before the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, nothing happened.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe


The Life and Times of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson

The Life and Times of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson

Those who met Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson say they learned a lot about human dignity from her.

By Dovid Zaklikowski


Vignettes of Royalty

Vignettes of Royalty

On the 22nd of Shevat in 1988, the Rebbe's wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, passed away. The Rebbetzin was extremely modest, so not much is known about her life and little footage exists to allow for a comprehensive biography. This presentation, comprised of the Rebbe's own words following her passing, and first-hand accounts from people who merited to have met her, gives us a peek into the modest loyalty and sacrifice that the Rebbetzin showed. She stood unwavering at her husband's side, and by extension, dedicated her life to the Rebbe's thousands of followers around the world.

Living Torah

Watch (7:36)


The importance of ensuring kosher Jewish education for children in Morocco, including after they emigrate to other countries

Letter No. 677:

Translated by Eliyahu Touger


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