Thursday, February 8, 2024

Fwd: Four Types of Users

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From: Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman <>
Date: Thu, Feb 8, 2024, 8:20 AM
Subject: Four Types of Users
To: <>


I S S U E 807

Parshat Mishpatim - \ February 8, 2024 \ 29 Shevat, 5784


Dear Friend,

An insight by the Rebbe on parshat Mishpatim, selected from our Daily Wisdom, by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky.

Mishpatim discusses the laws governing damages and the responsibilities of the four types of consignees: the "borrower," who

borrows an item from his fellow; the "hirer," who rents an item

from his fellow; the "paid consignee," who is paid to guard over

his fellow's item; and the "unpaid consignee," who guards over his

fellow's item for no compensation.

Four Types of Users

If it was stolen from him, he must make

restitution to its owner. (Ex. 22:11)

Spiritually, we are all consignees. G-d has entrusted us with the

care of our Divine soul, our fellow human beings, and the world

at large.

On our worst days, we are borrowers: We enjoy the use of our

soul, our fellows, and our world without reciprocating.

At times we do better and act like hirers: We recognize that true physical and spiritual pleasures can only be experienced when we give, so we give in order to receive.

Sometimes we rise above the world of hirer and borrower, the world of the self, and advance to the level of the paid consignee: We are caretakers, seeking to use G-d's gifts for His purposes. Perhaps, as paid consignees, we are not beyond looking forward to the reward, but at least that is not our focus.

On our best days – and ultimately all our days will be such – we

are unpaid consignees. We are oblivious to physical and spiritual

rewards; in Maimonides' words, we "serve G-d out of love . . . not

because of anything in the world . . . not to inherit the good, but as

one who does the truth simply because it is the truth. . . .

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3

May G-d grant our people a decisive victory in Israel,

Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman

Kehot Publication Society

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Inspiring insights on the Torah Portion from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe's teachings.

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