Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Fwd: News From Agudah 28 Shevat 5784, February 7, 2024

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2024, 6:33 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 28 Shevat 5784, February 7, 2024
To: <>

February 7, 2024 - 28 Shevat 5784

In today's News from the Agudah: Help pass emergency funding for Israel; going out to vote in Colorado; PCS real estate course; SGO 101 webinar for Ohioans (and their accountants); spotlight on constituent services; some impressive January numbers for Mishna Rishona; and Zahav.

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Tell Your Senators to Pass Emergency Funding for Israel and for Security Grants!

Over the weekend, leaders in the Senate introduced funding proposals of utmost importance to the Jewish community. 

As part of an overall multi-part appropriations package, the emergency supplemental provides $14 billion in extra security assistance for Israel and $400 million in extra funding for the Non-Profit Security Grant Program (NSGP). 

This it is vital to our brothers and sisters in Israel and to our fellow Jews at home. 

We must urge our senators to pass this supplemental funding and to do so without delay.   

U.S. aid will save the lives of Israelis and help defeat Hamas, whose stated goal is to kill Jews and reject peaceful coexistence with Israel. And we have seen their heinous acts of barbarity that they say will continue if they are not stopped and rooted out. The aid to Israel being considered includes funding for Iron Dome and David's Sling, two missile defense systems to defend against rocket attacks, and other critical security needs. 

The Increase in the NSGP will help us protect our shuls, yeshivos, day schools, and other community mosdos. This is particularly critical during a time we have witnessed a skyrocketing of antisemitic incidents since October 7 – indeed, an increase of almost 400% over the same period last year.  

We urge you to contact your senators - today - and call on them to support this vital aid to Israel and to our vulnerable community. 

Click here to take action

The Importance of Going out to Vote

Rabbi Yossi Kaplan, director of Agudah's Colorado Office, spoke to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders in Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Denver this week about Klal work and the importance of voting.

Real Estate Course: Investing and Beyond



Join the upcoming PCS real estate course and gain skills and knowledge to succeed long term in the industry.  


Course is designed for those in the field who wish to: 

  • Increase their Real Estate knowledge 
  • Enter the Real Estate field 

New insights can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars! 

Receive a top real estate education to make informed long term decisions! 

"Graduates of this course have gone on to build thriving real estate businesses, exceeding their original expectations"  

-Daniel Soloff, National Director of PCS 


  • Partial listing of topics: Multifamily, Retail, Office REO, Distressed, Foreclosures, Commercial Leases, Brokerage, Sourcing, Deal Analysis, Underwriting, Value Add, Contract, Negotiations, Financing, Management, Raising Equity, Syndication, Cash on Cash Return, Risk vs. Reward, finding, negotiating and closing deals 


Classes once a week in Lakewood. 


For more information: 732-905-9700 x606 or email: 

Sign up here: 


Classes starting on February 14! 


Email or call 732.905.9700 

Ohio: SGO 101 Webinar

Attention Ohioans:

Are you confused about Ohio's scholarship tax credit program (SGO)?

Agudah of Ohio will be hosting a webinar on February 12 explaining how you can support your local Jewish schools at no cost to you!

This is relevant to anyone who pays taxes in Ohio, or accountants who have clients in Ohio.

Register now at: 

Spotlight on Constituent Services

The constituent services department of Agudath Israel responds to tens of calls weekly regarding a wide spectrum of issues. Callers may need assistance with social service referrals, emergency food cards, immigration, bikur cholim, employment, or help applying for and filling out documents – to name just a few!  

Below is a brief sampling of the hundreds of call we receive: 

Binyomin* is a yeshiva bochur who called for help with adding his first name to his birth certificate in order to apply for a passport. Chava Shulman, director of Constituent Services, helped him fill out an application for the name change and send in the requisite documents. As soon as the name change is approved, Binyomin will call back for assistance with applying for a passport. 

Yosef* is a very ill and destitute man who cannot afford Shabbos food. Constituent Services arranged for him to receive ongoing delicious home-cooked meals every Shabbos, as well as assistance from the Mitzvah Man chessed organization. 

Anna* is an elderly woman living in an assisted living facility. She has one daughter who wants to have her cremated after her passing. Chava Shulman visited Anna in the nursing home and helped her fill out a Halachic Medical Directive, where she designated a friend, who will have her buried according to Jewish law, as her health care proxy. 

*Names have been changed 

To contact Constituent Services, call 212.797.9000 ext. 335 or email constituentservices@agudah

23 Shevat's Mishna Rishona was sponsored

לז"נ ר׳ משה בן ישראל הכהן

Ackerman by Rabbi Mordechai Levin and Family

29 Shevat's Mishna Rishona is sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs. Avi Parsons,

לע"נ נתן מאיר בן יוסף יהושע ע"ה


To sponsor a day of Mishnayos, and have the z`chus of hundreds of children`s learning for a Yartzeit or for any occasion call 845.304.7781 or email

Zahav aims to help seniors and their families, answer their questions, and guide them to ensure they are equipped with all the necessary information they need to access life-enhancing services and programs.

Questions that the Zahav team can assist you with include ones about finding local help for seniors, finding guidance for legal and medical planning, and information about government resources to pay towards healthcare costs. In addition, they are there for you with regard to financial planning questions, such as trusts and wills, or Medicaid.

For more information about Zahav, please visit

Mrs. Hadassah Waldman, MS, SBL, SDL

All inquiries will be held in strictest confidentiality.

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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