Friday, February 9, 2024

Fwd: News From Agudah 30 Shevat 5784, February 8, 2024

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Date: Fri, Feb 9, 2024, 11:51 AM
Subject: News From Agudah 30 Shevat 5784, February 8, 2024
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February 9, 2024 - 30 Shevat 5784

In today's News from Agudah: Agudah goes to Albany (part 1); Bnos leaders' convention; Agudah is hiring, see below for details; Pirchei and Bnos newsletters; and Mishna Rishona dedication.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh!

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Safe Schooling for All: Agudah's Hudson Valley Regional Albany Day Focuses on Issues Facing Yeshivas and Their Families

Tuesday marked the beginning of Agudath Israel of America's Albany advocacy day series with a delegation from the Hudson Valley region visiting the State Capitol. Constituents traveled from Orange, Rockland, and Sullivan Counties to meet with their legislators and discuss issues of importance for the upcoming legislative session.

New York, as home to the largest population of Jews in the United States, and with over 500 Jewish schools, is unfortunately no stranger to antisemitism. Following the October 7th Hamas attacks in Israel, the antisemitic incidents in the United States have skyrocketed to previously unknown levels. Visibly Jewish schools are a vulnerable target for antisemitic attacks. One of the most helpful tools for ensuring children's security is the Nonpublic School Safety Equipment Grant (NPSE) program which reimburses nonpublic schools in New York State for certain safety and security equipment and services. For the past two years the NPSE budget has stayed at $45 million; this amount is insufficient for schools to keep their students safe, especially given the rising antisemitism and hate crimes in New York. Senate Deputy Majority Leader Mike Gianaris (D-12) and Assemblymember Andrew Hevesi (D-28) circulated letters calling for doubling the NPSE allocation to $90 million. During Albany Day, Agudah's delegates met with many legislators and encouraged them to sign on to the letters and support the increase.

Click here or see below for more

Fun with a Purpose: Bnos Convention Focuses on Leadership and Individuality

Four hundred Bnos leaders from across the country gathered in the Lakehouse Hotel in Woodridge, New York last Shabbos for the 2024/5784 annual Bnos Agudas Yisroel Convention, a jam-packed Shabbos full of networking with other Bnos leaders, practical tips, chizuk, and of course, fun! The hundreds of girls who attended represent hundreds more who lead Bnos groups in their 39 hometowns across America, from Lakewood to Las Vegas to LA. 

As with every year, the convention featured renowned speakers and storytellers, panels, and divrei Torah from Bnos leaders. Mechanchos from across the country joined the convention, linking past generations of Bnos to today's girls. This year's convention, themed im ain ani li, mi li, focused on the power of each individual Bnos leader and the uniqueness each girl can bring to her Bnos group. 

Click here or see below for more

Seeking Paid Intern for Yeshiva Services Department

Agudath Israel's Department of Yeshiva Services is seeking a paid intern for several months with the potential to turn into a long-term position, starting immediately. If you are passionate about helping Klal Yisrael, supporting limud hatorah on a massive scale, and would like to gain valuable experience in a fast-paced dynamic environment, then please contact us before the opportunity is gone! Location will vary between Agudah executive office in Manhattan and either working remote or from Agudah satellite offices in Brooklyn and Lakewood. Compensation (annualized) $20-60k per year. Email your resume to

Click here to view this week's Pirchei newsletter

Click here to view this week's Bnos newsletter

Click here to view this week's Bnos quiz

Mishna Rishona Dedication

27 Shevat's Mishna Rishona was dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Elozor Simons

לעילוי נשמת עזריאל בצלאל בן יונתן אהרון

To sponsor a day of Mishnayos, and have the z`chus of hundreds of children`s learning for a Yartzeit/Zechus, please click here or email

Safe Schooling for All: Agudah's Hudson Valley Regional Albany Day Focuses on Issues Facing Yeshivas and Their Families, continued:

This week's Albany Day emphasized the issues raised in last Thursday's testimony from Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudath Israel's director of New York government relations, in front of the New York Joint Budget Committee. As Rabbi Silber explained in his testimony, "For most schools, enhanced security is no longer an option or a luxury. It is now a necessity. That is why the NPSE program is so essential and why it is critical to fund it at a higher level."

Agudah delegates also advocated strongly for Mandated Services Aid, the largest source of funding for nonpublic schools in New York, which reimburses schools for services mandated by the state. In recent years, the allocation for reimbursements in the budget was insufficient, leaving schools unreimbursed for services required by the state that they had already performed. In his testimony, Rabbi Silber thanked Governor Hochul for allocating $234 million for MSA in the proposed 2024 budget, which is anticipated to fully reimburse the 2023-24 school year's costs as well as compensate for a two-year shortfall, and encouraged all legislators to support that proposal.

The group also advocated for universal school lunch. Last year's budget partially funded universal school meals; this year Agudah, along with other advocates, is strongly advocating to fully fund breakfast and lunch for all students.

The mission's members met with Deputy Secretary of Education Maria Hernandez and Assistant Counsel to the Governor Terry Pratt, who were eager to hear about the challenges that yeshivas and other Orthodox schools face.

The delegation also had the opportunity to speak with Assemblymembers Karl Brabenec (R-98), Chris Eachus (D-99), Aileen Gunther (D-100), Dana Levenberg (D-95), Brian Maher (R-101), John McGowan (R-97), Amy Paulin (D-88), and Nader Sayegh (D-90); Senators Peter Harckham (D-40), Shelley Mayer (D-37), Peter Oberacker (R-51), James Skoufis (D-42), and Bill Weber (R-38); and staff of Assemblymember Chris Burdick (D-93), and Staff of Senator Michelle Hinchey (D-41).

"Spending a day in Albany with Agudah is an eye into the outstanding advocacy that Agudath Israel is known for," said Rabbi Shalom Horowitz from Yeshiva of Spring Valley. "Agudah employees, lay leaders and askanim get to work together for the betterment of the klal in a unified and professional manner."

"We are grateful to all those who joined us to advocate on behalf of our community, and to all the legislators who made time in their busy schedules to meet with their constituents," said Rabbi Shragi Greenbaum, director of Agudah's Rockland County Office. "The annual missions to Albany accomplish a tremendous amount in advocating for issues of importance and connecting with our legislators."

Fun with a Purpose: Bnos Convention Focuses on Leadership and Individuality, continued:

Because of the situation in Eretz Yisroel, the convention was pushed off for a few months, and the convention opened with additional perakim of tehillim for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. While the spirit and fun were still apparent at the convention, the traditional Motzai Shabbos dancing was shortened, to send a message to all the Bnos delegates that when our brethren are suffering, we need to recognize their pain.

As the number of Bnos leaders across the country skyrockets too high to host everyone at one convention, the Bnos convention now serves another purpose: providing the representatives not only with activities and ideas for themselves, but with the mission of bringing the inspiration home to their fellow Bnos leaders and spreading the chizuk and achdus.

Workshops, panels, and activities provided the girls with a collection of games and ideas to bring home to their co-leaders and Bnos groups as well as a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader.

Highlights of this year's convention were Rabbi Avraham Goldstein, who inspired the girls with the tale of his unique journey in life and how he overcame the obstacles in his path, and master storyteller Mrs. Chaya Rivky Leiser teaching the girls the art of telling stories. Other guest speakers included Miss Batya Feigenbaum who shared her life story with the girls and explained to them how to rise in the face of challenges, Mrs. Debby Garfunkel, who spoke about the importance of maintaining achdus when Klal Yisroel is in pain, and Mrs. Sara Isaacson, who discussed how to prevail in the face of adversity. The Bnos leaders were enraptured with their newfound understanding of their own inner strengths.

"Our Bnos leaders do such a tremendous amount of work for their groups, and they really do wonders for their girls," said Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, national director of Bnos Agudas Yisroel. "We want to let them know how much we appreciate them and be mechazek them to continue their amazing work."

This is illustrated by Bnos' new Leaders Initiative. The initiative, currently including a monthly newsletter and conference call for all Bnos leaders, will be expanded to include more activities to unify, inspire, and encourage Bnos leaders across the nation.

"Aside from all the practical things I learned that will make my Bnos group even better for my girls, I gained a sense of how important I am as a leader," said Chaya, a Bnos leader from Philadelphia, PA.

"Having so many Bnos leaders together is a tremendous chizuk to them and to us," said Mrs. Hass. "We get to see how far-reaching our impact is, the girls feel that they are part of something huge, and that sends them home with drive to become even better Bnos leaders."

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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