Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Fwd: Spotlight on our Chayalim: Ray Rublin (FYHS '72)

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From: HTC101 <>
Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2024, 3:10 PM
Subject: Spotlight on our Chayalim: Ray Rublin (FYHS '72)
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Ray Rublin (FYHS '72)

Where do you live:

I live in Karne Shomron.

Tell us about your family:

I am married to Debby Kopman Rublin. We have seven children and 17 grandchildren. My two sons and a son-in-law are also in miluim now.

Occupation (outside of the army):

I am a semi-retired Hi-Tech Engineer and Manager. I now teach English to charedim who want to join the work force or enter academia.

Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:

HQ company of Battalion 8881, based in Kdumim.

What gives you chizuk during your army service:

Doing the right thing is empowering. Participating in a milchemet mitzva is the right thing.

Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:

Lag B'Omer and Purim.

Anything else you want to share:

Below is a picture from an impromptu reunion of FYHS class of '72 in Yerushalayim last summer. Old friends are the best friends.

Back row: Rabbi David Bateman, Rabbi Yerachmiel Cohen, Chatzkel Anis, Rabbi Chanina Rabinowitz, Rabbi Elisha Prero, Rabbi Mordecai Adelman, Rabbi Yoseph Kaplan, Dr. Moshe Pavlov

Front: Dr. Aryeh Gassel, Ray Rublin, Rabbi David Segal, David Meyers, Rabbi Yisroel Booth

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