Wednesday, April 4, 2012


By Moshe Berman Over two years ago, I began writing apps for iPhone and iPod touch. My third app was a little utility called “Sefira”. I distributed a few copies, and it was fun. However, a few copies is hardly a living, and I entered into talks with a well known software shop to sell what would become Ultimate Omer 2. For various reasons, the deal fell through, and thank Gd, I was given the opportunity to refine and improve iteratively over the last two years. As Nachum Segal said, “that’s how a version 2 gets created”. (That was fun, I’d love to do it again sometime.) Suggestions, bug fixes, and my own observations all contribute to that version two. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their feedback. (Ultimate Omer 2 users - you can contact me from within the app. In the Information view, swipe to the “contact the developer” button.) I released several updates throughout the sefira cycle, incorporating what I could and making sure that Ultimate Omer 2 worked around the world. (Australians, I’m looking at you. Thank you for working with me on that one; as you know, it was fixed pretty quickly.) The sefira season went well in terms of sales, and this year, I’ve been preparing. I spent some time fixing the app icon badge and that should behave this year. (We can thank advances in technology for making that easier for me. Also, thanks Ary Tabeka for some pointers in that direction.) As part of my preparation, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve also incorporated the much requested feature, Sephardic counting. (Thanks to my uncle and all other people who showed me the nusach.) That’s right, you can set Ultimate Omer 2 to count with Sephardic variation of the text. See? I’m listening. Also in this update is a refresh for the iPad. Ultimate Omer 2 looks fantastic on the original iPad and iPad 2, and absolutely stunning on the new iPad. If you just bought a new iPad, or plan on getting one for afikoman, don’t forget to download Ultimate Omer 2! After two years, Ultimate Omer 2 is still the best sefira app out on the App Store, Gd willing. Pending approval by Apple, the latest update will make it even more incredible. It’s been quite a journey. Thanks for making it insanely great. Download Ultimate Omer 2. Never miss again. If you know anyone who will benefit from Ultimate Omer 2, you can download this flyer, print it, and send it to them. You can also email them a link to this blog post. Ultimate Omer 2 is made by Moshe Berman. Moshe Berman is an undergraduate student at Brooklyn College, pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. { Newscenter}  

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