Monday, November 12, 2012

JI introducing: JM365 – The Second Edition

Last year we launched the FIRST EVER Jewish music calendar called JM365. As the calendar was met with huge, welcoming response we’d like to first thank all of the fans AND sponsors who made our inaugural edition so special. Since our debut issue spanned 14 months (September 2011-October 2012), we said to our selves “selves” we should definitely continue JM365 beginning with November 2012. For our sponsors this became yet another compelling reason to distinguish us from the plethora of calendars that flood our mailboxes every September. So without any further preamble we proudly present to you JM365-the Second Edition. It’s the calendar created especially for lovers of Jewish music…and those who love seeing them smile. As you peruse its pages you may begin to wonder what happened to some of your favorite stars. Well there’s two parts to that answer, either the star asked us to respect their privacy or our “Board” felt that regardless of how successful a particular star is…or was, they didn’t really change the Jewish Music landscape as much as simply enhance it. Again we respect your right to differ with our superstar selections and we welcome your thinking on our thinking (just email us at Besides as they say after the Superbowl “There’s always next year”. The artists we DO feature in this second edition of JM365 (and before you ask, yes we’re already at work on next year’s version) is a very diverse mix. We go from Yoel Sharabi to Shloime Daskal, Uncle Moishy to Avraham Rosenblum and Yehudah Green to Gad Elbaz. In any case, we hope you enjoy JM365 as much as we enjoyed creating it…and more important as much as you enjoy the superstars whose talents inspired us to do it. Speaking of enjoyment, one thing you WILL enjoy is using the products & services offered by our sponsors as every one of them is a superstar in their own right!. Yossi Zweig

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