Tuesday, April 1, 2014


JOIN RABBI ELEFANT SHIUR HERE PLUS A LOT MORE ON OU DAF YOMI RESOURCES LIKE RABBI ELEFANT DAF SUGYA AND THE BAIS HAVAAD'S THE DAF IN HALACHA AND MORE. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A 5 MINUTE REVIEW OF YOUR DAF THEN DAF HACHAIM IS FOR YOU. DID YOU KNOW THAT YU TORAH ALSO HAS DAF YOMI SHIURS AND HALACHA LIMISA ON THE DAF BONUS SHIURS. THE KOLLEL IYUN HADAF HAS GREAT SUMMARIES AND MORE. CLICK HERE FOR THE DAF DIGEST WHICH FEATURES THE VERY NICE HALACHA HIGHLIGHT. DAF NOTES Whether you use our English Commentary (translation) or enjoy reading our Daf Insights, you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a day! DID YOU GET YOUR ARTSCROLL APP YET THE 1ST 7 BLATT OF BEITZAH ARE FREE. SUPPLEMENTS THE YATED NEMAN TALES AND TEACHINGS FROM THE DAF. THE MESIVTA GEMARA DARCHEIN NOAM COMING SOON. DO YOU KNOW WHAT MUKTZAH OR NOLAD IS THEN THIS IS FOR YOU. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, the world renowned Talmudic and halachic authority, is best known as the premier halachic decisor of his time. To him, however, his major writings were these compendia of analysis and commentary on tractates of the Talmud. They display his encyclopedic grasp of Talmudic literature and his phenomenal and original powers. Rabbi Aharon Kotler said of Dibros Moshe, "There is no significant concept or chiddush that cannot be found here." Newly reprinted in a convenient 6"x9" edition, each tractate complete in one volume.(FROM ARTSCROLL)PRINT THIS OR MENTION THIS TO GET IT FOR $17.99. AT KESHER STAM. Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Unpublished Dibros Moshe on Maseches Beitzah Released Almost three decades after his petirah, the treasury of Rav Moshe Feinstein’s zt’l unpublished chiddushim are being brought to Klal Yisrael. As daf yomi begins its study of Beitzah, ArtScroll/Mesorah announces the publication of Dibros Moshe with Likutei Igros Moshe on Maseches Beitzah. This new volume of includes all of Rav Moshe’s unpublished chiddushim on Beitzah plus everything he wrote on the masechta in the published volumes of Dibros Moshe, Igros Moshe and Darash Moshe. (FROM YWN CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE ARTICLE).

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