Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Aneinu Little Girls Names - Please Daven for them!

Please daven that these little girls be returned to their mother! Shifra Tova bas Yael Basya Elisheva Chana bas Yael Basya **************************************************************** A matter of pikuach nefesh of the utmost urgency has been brought to my attention! A family in Milwaukee needs our help! The parents converted many years ago and raised a beautiful frum family. Sadly, the father has now decided he no longer wants to be Jewish. He has turned his older children against their mother and has had child services take away the 2 younger girls. They are now living in a non frum environment. The mother has no money to pay for a lawyer. Rabbis in the community are trying to help but their resources are limited. There is a court date coming up this Monday! Please help me save these little girls! Checks can be made to the woman's shul. Please contact myysbyy@aol.com for more information. May we hear besoros tovos! Good Chodesh, Chaya Miriam

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