Thursday, February 6, 2020

FW: We’re LIVE! The Chicago Center Crowdfunding Campaign: Where Torah Comes to Life

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: Daf Digest <>
Date: 2/5/20 6:58 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: We're LIVE! The Chicago Center Crowdfunding Campaign: Where Torah Comes to Life

Something remarkable is happening today and we want you to be a part of it!  

The Chicago Center, who brings you
Daf Digest and Mishna Berura Yomi,
is stepping up and writing the next chapter of our story.

Make no mistake about it: This campaign is about YOU. When you support
The Chicago Center, The Chicago Center can better support you.

We are on the way toward our $900,000 fundraising goal!
But we need your help to reach it!

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