Wednesday, February 3, 2021

aneinu List of Pregnant/New Mothers with Covid in Critical Conditio

List of Pregnant/New Mothers with Covid in Critical Condition Here is the link to a whatsapp Tehillim group started for these women: Ahuva Liba bas Gittel Devorah Batsheva bas Simcha Jacqueline Chana bas Bella Hadassah Chava Feiga Baila bas Chaya Malka – Back home! Still needs tefillos. Chaya Rivka bas Leah and Tinok ben Chaya Rivka Chedva bas Rochel Devora Gittel bas Sheva Mattel Esther bas Pesya Leah Leah bas Feigel Gittel Nechama Rikel bas Feiga Gittel Rochel bas Chana Leah Rochel bas Malka Rochel Naomi bas Esther Chana and Tinok ben Rochel Naomi Ruchama Rina Basya bas Shifra Rus Ruth bas Rivka Sasha Bracha bas Leah Rivka Sima bas Baila Henna Tamar bas Esther Rivka Tehilla bas Zehava Zohara Yehudis Miriam bas Chana Gittel Yiska Rus bas Miriam Psalms/

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