Saturday, February 6, 2021

FW: [aneinu] TONIGHT! Motzei Shabbos Tehillim

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 2/6/21 8:20 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] TONIGHT! Motzei Shabbos Tehillim

Please pass on to your family and friends, Thank you!!
Hello Ladies,
Shavua Tov!!  Hope you all had a wonderful Shabbos and this email finds you and your family healthy and well.
I received the following message from different people including the  ANEINU organization.
Please read the note below: 
Rav Gans has given his bracha to this project - that it have siyata dishmaya for the toeles of Am Yisrael.
Tehillim Initiative
for THIS Motzei Shabbos:
The suffering of the world and of our people, in particular, is reaching an unbearable level.  People feel emotionally and spiritually broken, despairing, scared, hopeless r"l.  When will the Geula come?!
Rav Shternbuch shlit"a wrote in last week's parsha sheet (Parshas Beshalach):
המצב זועק לרחמי שמים לתפילה ותחנונים, ובעת כזאת החובה מוטלת עלינו להתחזק בתשובה ובתפילה ובאמונה פשוטה ש"אין עוד מלבדו" ולו יתברך בלבד עיננו תלויות... וביותר יש להתחזק עתה לומר פרקי תהילים וסדר אבינו מלכינו בתפילה או לאחריה... ויתן בכל יום צדקה ויאמר "כשם שאני עושה צדקה כך ברחמיך הרבים תעשה עמדי חסד להציל אותי מצרה זו"
(Translation: "The situation cries out for heavenly mercy, for prayer and beseeching. And at this time we have an obligation to strengthen ourselves in repentance and prayer and in simple faith that there is none other than Him, and our eyes are turned only to Him, may He be blessed.  And moreover, we must increase in saying Tehillim and Avinu Malkeinu during prayer or after it, and give charity every day and say "Just as I am giving charity, in Your great benevolence may You also act benevolently with me and rescue me from this difficult situation")
Therefore, we call upon you, women of Am Yisrael, to join in saying Tehillim for the merit of the Jewish people and the world situation:
When: This Motzai Shabbos - Shabbos Mevarchin Adar (אור לכ"ה שבט) - the month of SIMCHA, during Melavei Malka
Where: Wherever you are.
1. During Melave Malka should give a sum of their choice to charity.
2. Say the following Tehillim: 13, 20, 30, 121, 130, 142
3.    Say "Ein Od Milvado" with great kavana.
Rav Gans has given his bracha to this project - that it have siyata dishmaya for the toeles of Am Yisrael.
Spread the word to all your friends and family.
May we merit to see the geula sheleima very soon! 
Tizku l'mitzvos!
Friendly Reminders:
1) Rosh Chodesh Adar is Friday Feb. 12 and Shabbos, Feb. 13.
2) Taanis Esther is on Thursday, Feb. 25th
3) Purim is on Friday, February 26. 
4) Shushan Purim is on Sunday, February 28
5) We are now in the weeks of Shovavim.  Shovavim is an acronym for the six weekly Torah portions: Shemos, Vaera, Bo, Beshalach, Yisro and Mishpatim (as well as Terumah and Tetzaveh when a leap year). 
The Toldos Aharon shares that our sincere Tefillos to correct our Middos, to sanctify our senses and to be saved from depression, anger and pride are more acceptable to Hashem during these times.
ANNOUNCEMENTS for this week: 
1) Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger - LIVE  Tuesday, February, 9
Join us for a LIVE Tele Conference:
The Power of Chodesh Adar
Dial In details: (USA) 712-770-4160 Access Code: 304534#
2) Rabbi Eliezer Moskowitz continues his popular Sefer Chofetz Chaim shiur  Mondays, 8:00pm CHICAGO TIME -  Mon. Feb. 8
Dial In: 1 - 929 - 205 - 6099      Time: 9:00pm EST
Meeting ID: 890 5711 0837
Passcode: 845709 
To stay informed and be notified -  
A LIVE Tele Conference
Daughter of Rav Shlomo Friefeld ZT'L
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 9
Time: 8:00pm CHICAGO TIME
The Power of
Chodesh Adar
To JOIN US LIVE, please dial:
 (USA) 712-770-4160
Access Code: 304534 followed by the # sign
Please dial in 5 minutes early so you do not miss any content.  
Your courtesy is appreciated.
L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a
To stay informed and be notified -  
To listen to the amazing replays from
Daughter of Rav Shlomo Friefeld ZT'L
Blueprint to the
Future Geula
 3-Part Series:
class 3:
Rosh Chodesh:
The 1st Mitzvah -
A Prelude to Geula 
L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a
Please dial 
USA Phone Number: (641) 715-3900
  Ext: 742424 followed by the #
For class 2: 
Shira: Preparing to Sing 
The 10th Song of Geula
L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a
Please dial 
USA Phone Number: (641) 715-3900
 Ext: 220935 followed by the #
For class 1:
Chodesh Shevat:
The Hidden Sap of Geula 
L'ilui nishmas Chaya Sarah a'h bas HaRav Yaakov Meyer HaCohen a'h
L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a
Please dial 
USA Phone Number: (641) 715-3900
 Ext: 724885 followed by the #
To listen to the special shiur: 
Glimpes from the Life of
Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Freifeld z"l
Please dial 
USA Phone Number: (641) 715-3900
 Ext: 517574 followed by the #
The REPLAYS  are
Also Available Internationally
via Inspire by Wire:  
Israel: 02-372-3330
England: 03-30-124-0241
Toronto: 416-642-1286
USA: 718-906-6451
For Direct Access:
For Rebbetzin Jaeger's Blueprint to the Future Geula shiurim:
For class 3 - Feb. 2:
Rosh Chodesh: The 1st Mitzvah - A Prelude to Geula 
Press 4, then 5, then 2, then 11 followed by # sign
For class 2  - Jan. 26:
Shira: Preparing to Sing the 10th Song of Geula 
Press 4, then 5, then 2, then 10 followed by # sign
For class 1 - Jan. 19:
Chodesh Shevat: The Hidden Sap of Geula 
Press 4, then 9, then 20, followed by # sign
For class  - Jan. 5: Glimpses from the Life of
Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Freifeld, z'tl  
Press 4, then 5, then 2, then 8, followed by # sign
To stay informed and be notified -  
Please pass on to  your family and friends, thank you!!
L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a
L'ilui nishmas Rochel Leah a'h bas Meiram a'h
L'ilui nishmas Aryeh Leib a'h ben Yisroel Tzvi a'h
L'ilui nishmas Sarah a'h bas Avigdor a'h
Continued good health for Shmuel Ezriel ben Sarah
 Continued good health for Sarah Mirl bas Pessi
L'ilui nishmas Avigdor a'h ben Nathan a'h
L'ilui nishmas Moshe a'h  ben Avigdor a'h
L'ilui nishmas Sarah Henya a'h bas Nachman Leib a'h
L'ilui nishmas Dan Ezra a'h ben Yaakov a'h
L'ilui nishmas Natan a'h ben Yitzchok a'h
 L'ilui nishmas Chaya Masya bas Asher HaKohen
L'ilui nishmas Leah Rochel bas Tzadok Dov a'h
L'ilui nishmas Moshe Leibel a'h ben Mordechai a'h
To stay informed and be notified -  
Please pass on to  your family and friends, thank you!!

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