| The Benefit of Shabbos Being Me'ein Olam Haba | | | Rabbi Pinches Friedman E2, The Benefit of Shabbos Being Me'ein Olam Haba
All blessings, both heavenly and earthly, are dependent on Shabbos, the source of all blessings. And though the reward for earthly actions is reserved for Olam Haba, Shabbos is the representation of Olam Haba in this world and enables us to receive the heavenly bounty, which then flows to the entire week. Join Rabbi Pinches Friedman in elevating Shabbos to its exalted status of Olam Haba. | | | | Rebbetzin Shira Smiles E11, The Angels' Bracha What are we singing about in the beautiful song of 'Shalom Aleichem'? Why are we singing about angels particularly at this time? And why do we send them away with 'tzeischem leshalom'? Rebbetzen Smiles shares some intriguing ideas to illuminate the words of this song. | | | The Music of The Siyum: Holocaust Tribute Medley | | When We All Danced Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...) | | | | | | | | | | |
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