Monday, February 8, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 26 Shevat 5781/February 8, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2021, 4:33 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 26 Shevat 5781/February 8, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
February 8, 2021 - 26 Shevat 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • As we approach the second Purim in the shadow Covid it is important that we apply all the knowledge that we have gained in the past year and be mindful and caring on how we celebrate amidst a pandemic. See below for the Agudah guidelines based on consultation with our rabbinic leadership and medical specialists.

  • In New York, the list of eligible individuals for the COVID-19 vaccine is set to change February 15. Currently, only individuals over 65, teachers (and Rebbeim), and healthcare workers are eligible. Beginning February 15, all adults with certain health conditions, even those under 65, will be eligible. Qualifying health conditions include: asthma, heart conditions, high blood pressure, pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, and many others. See full list of qualifying conditions here.  Agudath Israel is working with the city and state to secure additional locations for the community to receive the vaccine.  

  • Registration is now open: The Torah Projects Commission will be holding the first part of their Halacha Conference Series for attorneys and law students on Presidents Day, Monday, February, 15. The virtual conference will cover topics relating to halachic and ethical issues facing attorneys. See below for more information and how to register.

  • "For as G-d had created Man, Man in turn must create the Mensch within himself. Reb Yisroel sought the Mensch in every man." Yesterday marked the 138th yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter zt"l. See below to read an article about his impact written by Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth for the Jewish Observer in 1984.

  • Agudah of Illinois has teamed up with Hatzalah of Chicago and Refuah 311 to form the Community Vaccine Alliance. See below for more on how Agudah of Illinois has been working with their local government in to ensure access to the Covid-19 vaccine is available for the community.

  • In more Illinois news a letter sent to Governor J.B. Pritzker, Agudath Israel of Illinois lays out the concerns of the Jewish community in Illinois about the upcoming redistricting process. See below for more details.

  • Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst's halacha l'maaseh shiur will continue this Monday night (2/08/2021) and will be at 8:30 pm EST. The call in number is (518) 425-1725 and will be on Celebrations in Halacha: mekor for seudas bar and bas mitzvah, birthday parties, celebrating reaching 50, 60, 70, etc.

  • Between now and Purim, we will be having special shiurim in honor of Purim - please see below for the full schedule, and we hope you'll join! Shiurim will be archived at if you missed them when they played live.
Purim 5781: A Time for Mindfulness and Care
As we prepare for this upcoming Purim, we can remind ourselves how this past year might have been different had we only known last Purim what we know now. We now do know, however, that Purim has the potential to be a "super-spreader" of the terrible pandemic, and are required to think of our neighbors' and family members' health and safety with great gravity and concern, especially as more highly infectious strains of the COVID-19 virus are proliferating.
We are, by now, all well-schooled in proper safety guidelines; in case anyone needs a reminder, please see here for the latest CDC guidance.
Based on consultation with our rabbinic leadership and medical specialists, the Agudah is providing the following recommended guidelines for the upcoming Purim. Specific areas that require mindfulness and care this year include:
  • Heightened Public Scrutiny: It is critical to remind ourselves that the eyes of the world are upon us, and will likely be watching us closely this Purim. Acting appropriately in public is always important; how much more so this Purim.

  • Mesibos and Seudos: Community Purim seudos, mesibos, or other gatherings, even with appropriate precautions, should be avoided.

  • Megillah Reading: Depending upon circumstances, and under the guidance of local rabbonim, shuls should consider adding extra sessions of Megillah reading to ensure that everyone can hear the Megillah without dangerous overcrowding.

  • Collecting and Distributing Tzedakah: Both givers and collectors of tzedakah funds in each community should minimize contact and social interaction this Purim. Of course, matanos l'evyonim and tzedakah should remain at least at the same level as previous years. Bochurim should not go out in groups to collect money. Mosdos whose talmidim usually circulate through communities might consider, this year, setting up a phone bank where the bochurim can call the yeshiva's supporters for donations.

  • Drinking: In light of the extra need to be careful with COVID-19 transmission, and with the imperative of avoiding chillul Hashem, it is even more important that bochurim, and those hosting them, follow the established guidelines of the gedolim about not getting drunk on Purimavailable here.

  • Mishloach Manos: In fulfilling the mitzvah of mishloach manos, it would be prudent to limit our mishloach manos giving and to minimize social interaction with the people to whom we give.

  • Suspected Illness: Anyone suspected positive for COVID-19 or who has been exposed to COVID-19 must not go to shul. Consult with your rav on how to fulfill the mitzvos of Purim while keeping the appropriate doctor-approved precautions.
May we be zoche to observe Purim this year properly and safely with a full measure of simchah shel mitzvah!
Virtual Conference: Halachic & Ethical Issues Facing Attorneys
The Commission on Torah Projects of Agudas Yisroel is delighted to present a special halachah conference series for attorneys and law students in our community. The first virtual conference will be held on Monday, February 15th, Presidents Day, 10:30 AM EST, – 1:00 PM EST, and will cover halachic and ethical issues facing attorneys.  

The first session will address: "The Interface of Beis Din and the Legal Profession." Introductions will be delivered by Chaim Gitelis, Esq. Gitelis Law Offices, and the presenters will be Rabbi Zev Cohen, Rav, Khal Adas Yeshurun, Rosh Kollel, Choshen Mishpot Kollel, Chicago, and Rabbi Ari Marburger, Rav, Khal Anshei Faraday, Lakewood. 

The Q & A session, "Halacha & Hashkafa for the Modern-day Attorney," will be moderated by Aron M. Zuckerman, Esq., Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, and delivered by Rabbi Shraga Kallus, Rav, Khal Imrei Fi, Rosh Kollel, Machon Horaah L'Rabbonim Yerushalyim

Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner, Hisachdus Hakehillos, London, will deliver the keynote session: "Emes and the Practice of Law - A Captivating Overview & Essential Insights," following an introduction by Eric R. Stern, Esq., Stern Law Group. 

3 CLE credits will be available for eligible participants in this program. Click here to register for the conference. 
"He Looked Into the Torah and Fashioned Man"
An Examination of the Life and Accomplishments of Reb Yisroel Salanter - A Century After His Passing
Click here or on image below to view the article.
Agudath Israel of Illinois Partners with Local Government and Community Organizations to Distribute the Covid-19 Vaccine
As is well known by now, the biggest obstacles for widespread COVID-19 vaccination are access and distribution. Agudath Israel of Illinois has been working with their local government in to ensure access to the Covid-19 vaccine is available for the community, and is pleased to report that the Chicago Public Health Department and the Cook County Department of Public Health have committed to providing enough vaccines to inoculate 3,000 people. These vaccines are intended serve private school employees, the elderly, and the most vulnerable members of the community.
In order to distribute the vaccine as efficiently as possible, Agudath Israel has teamed up with Hatzalah Chicago and Refuah 311 to form the Community Vaccine Alliance. The Community Vaccine Alliance has already sent out a survey to all of their schools and community members to determine who is eligible to receive the vaccine.  

If you are an eligible member of the community click here to fill out the survey. 

For more information click here, for the letter sent to members of the community click here.

If you have any questions please email:
Agudah of Illinois Reaches Out to Governor on Redistricting
As the country begins the once-per-decade process of redistricting following this past year's census, Agudath Israel of Illinois sent a letter to Governor J.B. Pritzker, laying out the concerns of the Jewish community in Illinois.  

The letter, signed by many Rabbonim and community leaders, thanks the governor for his devotion to all communities in Illinois, regardless of race, color, or creed.

The Orthodox Jewish community in the greater Chicago area - comprising over 30,000 households - is currently broken up across 3 separate districts. The letter expresses hope that their community will be consolidated into one district and thereby be better represented. They also ask the governor to ensure that the community is not further broken up – something that appears to be a real possibility.  

"Our concern is not about our elected officials being Orthodox Jewish, but that we have a voice as a 'community of interest'. We could become politically irrelevant under an unfair redistricting process," said Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs, Agudath Israel of Illinois. 
Iyunim B'hilchos Purim
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424. 
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