Thursday, April 15, 2021

Fwd: 73 Reasons to Love Israel; Secret to Parenting; Your Back to Shul Ideas

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 7:51 PM
Subject: 73 Reasons to Love Israel; Secret to Parenting; Your Back to Shul Ideas
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Will Your Idea Get Congregants Back to Shul?
Will Your Idea Get Congregants Back to Shul?
Orthodox Union

The OU is offering grants between $2,000-$5,000 for programs that encourage our communities to return to shul. Learn more and see how your shul or organization can apply today.

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PARSHAT TAZRIA-METZORA April 16-17, 2021 / 5 Iyar 5781


HAFTARAH Kings II 7:3-7:20

Around the OU
Ready, Set, Ride! Registration Open for Bike NCSY 2021
Ready, Set, Ride! Registration Open for Bike NCSY 2021

Ready to hit the road? Sign up for this year's Bike NCSY – grab a friend and start training to ride a local route near you and support NCSY through your efforts.

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Join the Yachad Summer Family—Apply Today
Join the Yachad Summer Family—Apply Today

Looking for summer plans? We have them! Join our Yachad family.

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Watch: Forbidden Fruit, Necessary Evil or Spiritual Imperative?
Watch: Forbidden Fruit, Necessary Evil or Spiritual Imperative?
SPIRIT Initiative

Dr. David Luchins, founding dean of the Lander College for Women, speaks about perspectives on secular studies and the Orthodox community.

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Your Teen's Story of Jewish Inspiration Could Win a $3,000 Scholarship
Your Teen's Story of Jewish Inspiration Could Win a $3,000 Scholarship

NCSY Teen Essay Contest is now live through May 13, 2021. Teens in grades 8-12 submit their 600-800-word essays to enter to win up to $3,000 off NCSY Summer and gap-year programs. Find out about the topics and enter now!

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Count Toward Sinai with the OU Women's Initiative
Count Toward Sinai with the OU Women's Initiative
The Torah Blog

There is a popular custom to study Pirkei Avot during the sefira period. Accordingly, the OU Women's Initiative is studying this important work of Jewish ethics, taught by prominent women teachers of Torah.

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Take Action Now: Help Protect Our Schools, Shuls
Take Action Now: Help Protect Our Schools, Shuls
OU Advocacy

Urge your U.S. Representative to increase security funding for our community.

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Going At It Alone
Going At It Alone
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

There's a lesson in our parsha about the benefits of solitude that is of renewed relevance in our day and age.

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Metzora vs. Avodah
Metzora vs. Avodah
Rabbi Menachem Genack

How should we understand the parallels between the purification of the metzora and the Yom Kippur service?

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The Secret to Parenting Hidden in the Parsha
The Secret to Parenting Hidden in the Parsha
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

What can our parsha teach us about parenting? Get the answer and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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The Rewards of Responding Amen
The Rewards of Responding Amen
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

In two places, the Talmud tells us that answering amen to someone else is a greater act than reciting a bracha yourself. Why should this be?

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Disease or Divine Reckoning?
Disease or Divine Reckoning?
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

If the afflictions described in the parshiyot of Tazria and Metzora are not natural diseases, what exactly are they?

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I Missed Counting the Omer Thursday Night
I Missed Counting the Omer Thursday Night
OU Kosher

I forgot to count Sefiras Ha'Omer on Thursday night and only remembered after I accepted early Shabbos. Can I still count the Sefira for Friday or is it too late? Halacha Yomis has the answer.

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Jewish Thought
Yom HaAtzmaut: Redemptive Moments During the Past Year
Yom HaAtzmaut: Redemptive Moments During the Past Year
Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Yom HaAtzmaut provides an opportunity to assess the state of the Jewish people and the state of our redemption.

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73 Reasons to Love Israel
73 Reasons to Love Israel
Barbara Sofer

Enjoy the latest version of the Jerusalem Post's annual Yom HaAtzmaut list of reasons to love Israel.

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Featured Company: Mike and Jen's Cocoa Mix
Featured Company: Mike and Jen's Cocoa Mix
OU Kosher

This simple cocoa mix is made from the finest ingredients in the world. No artificial anything. Mike and Jen use a high-quality whole-milk powder as the base of their mix, so you just add water.

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Community Events
Watch: Yom HaZikaron Ceremony for Fallen Charedi Soldiers
Watch: Yom HaZikaron Ceremony for Fallen Charedi Soldiers
Nachal Charedi

Nachal Charedi's ceremony honored the memory of charedi soldiers who lost their lives in defense of Israel.

Watch Now
Struggling with Substance Abuse?  Now What?
Struggling with Substance Abuse? Now What?

The event will include a panel of Jewish leaders and professionals addressing the various obstacles, strategies, and options for getting someone help with a substance use issue or an addiction. Watch on Sunday, April 18, at 10:30am EDT.

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featured products
With Liberty and Justice
With Liberty and Justice
OU Press

With Liberty and Justice, by Senator Joe Lieberman with Rabbi Ari Kahn, explores the link between Passover and Shavuot—and the connection between the concepts of liberty and law.

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Covenant & Conversation – Leviticus: The Book of Holiness
Covenant & Conversation – Leviticus: The Book of Holiness
OU Press

Erudite and eloquent, Covenant & Conversation allows us to experience Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' sophisticated approach to life lived in an ongoing dialogue with the Torah.

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Development Director - Yachad Chicago
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Yachad NJ Program Director
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