Sunday, September 19, 2021

Fwd: Chag Sukkot Sameach / Our new series are waiting for you - login and register today!

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From: Torat Har Etzion <>
Date: Sun, Sep 19, 2021, 11:21 AM
Subject: Chag Sukkot Sameach / Our new series are waiting for you - login and register today!
To: <>

Dear subscribers,

We are delighted by the thousands of views and responses regarding our collections of shiurim specially prepared for the Yamim Nora'im.

We have just finished preparing an extensive array of carousels with dozens of audio, video and text lessons for Sukkot / Shemini Atzeret / and Simchat Torah.

We would be thrilled if you would act as our ambassadors and forward this content to your friends and family members.
New Curriculum - Sign Up Today!

The 2021/5782 curriculum of the Israel Koschitzky Torat Har Etzion Virtual Beit Midrash is now complete, and we invite you to sign up to receive classes in a wide range of Torah subjects weekly, directly to your email.

Shiurim in brand new series will be uploaded to the site and mailed to our subscribers, beginning one week after Sukkot. We invite everyone to set times for Torah and re-energize with series on relevant and popular topics in Tanakh, Talmud, Halakha and Philosophy.

Why should you sign up?

An email with the lesson will arrive directly to your inbox on fixed days of the week, encouraging you to follow with set study times.

How do you register? And how can you unsubscribe?

Enter this link, and next to the name of the desired series, click 'To subscribe'. (If you are already subscribed, there is no need to do anything!) This is also the place to update your registration whenever needed.
This year's topics:

Sichot Rashei HaYeshiva - 5782 - Sichot on the weekly parasha by the Rashei Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion

Studies in Parashat HaShavua - 5782 - Yeshiva staff - An analysis of the parasha, incorporating innovative approaches with traditional commentaries

Literary Study of Biblical Narrative - Prof. Yonatan Grossman - Tools for the literary analysis of the Bible stories

VBM Parasha Digest - prepared by Rav Dov Karoll - Concise divrei Torah in a pdf format, specially prepared for Shabbat study

Prophets vs. Empires: A Survey of Nevi'im Acharonim - Rav Yoel Bin Nun - Foundational questions regarding the meaning, goals, audiences and function of prophecy

Iyun in Gemara Bava Metzia - Yeshiva staff - An analysis of the major issues in the gemara, geared for students who are learning the basic text on their own

Fundamental Questions in the Study of the Oral Law - Rav Amnon Bazak - Which components were given at Sinai and which were developed by the Sages? These and many other questions

Contemporary Halakha - Rav David Brofsky - Three mini-series covering the topics of tefillin, mezuza and chol ha-moed

1000 Years of Jewish History in Halakha - Rav Aviad Tabory - Continuing to explore halakhic ramifications of the 19th and 20th century

Deracheha - Women and Mitzvot - Laurie Novick and staff - Guided, source-based study of halakhot pertaining to women, from a woman's perspective

Torah Lishmah - Rav Elyakim Krumbein - Torah study with the proper mindset and motivation is actually a reflection of what Torah is all about

Values and Jewish Law - Rav Dr. Judah Goldberg - "Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things from your Torah" - the third and final year of this fascinating series

The Philosophy of Prayer - Rav Uriel Eitam - Exploring the insights of great medieval and early modern thinkers, from R. Saadia Gaon to R. Moshe Chayyim Luzzato

And several summer series that are still in session ...

Want additional details? Go to our registration page. 

You can also sign up for series in Hebrew and enjoy a huge wealth of quality series.

Registration for the series is free of charge, and all content on the site is provided free of charge. As we do every year, we ask our readers to be partners in our learning community and contribute to the maintenance of the site and its enrichment with additional content.

Is it possible to dedicate a lesson or series for a refua sheleima, or in memory of a loved one?

Of course, it is possible to devote a single lesson, a week of study, a series, and more. All options are listed here.
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