Friday, December 10, 2021

FW: [aneinu] Please Say your Tehillim on Shabbos

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 12/10/21 12:53 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please Say your Tehillim on Shabbos


Dear Aneinu Members,

Finally, in this week's parsha, Yosef reveals himself to his brothers. The passuk tells us that Yosef could not "restrain" himself. Why was Yosef restraining himself in the first place? Why the whole charade about throwing the brothers in prison and demanding that they bring Binyomin to him? 

We are told that Yosef's intention was to have the brothers do teshuva and gain kappara for their sin of selling him. The brothers had believed they were justified in selling Yosef, but didn't realize that their actions stemmed from jealousy of their brother. Yosef's intent was to completely remove any jealousy from their hearts, because he knew that the future of the Jewish people needed to be built on love and achdus. However, Yosef's plans weren't completed. Yosef felt so much love, and was so moved by Yehuda's entreaties, that he could no longer continue. He had to reveal himself to them. This is why Yosef and Binyomin cried when they embraced. Of course, they were filled with emotions of joy at being reunited, and sadness for their lost years together, but Rashi says that they cried over the destruction of the Mishkan, which was in Yosef's portion, and the destruction of the two Batei Mikdash, in Binyomin's portion. They both realized that if Yosef had been able to hold himself back and follow through with his plans, there would have been no destruction and no exiles.

The Jewish people are still trying to achieve what Yosef had tried to accomplish, to remove sinas chinam from our hearts. So many of the tragedies in our long painful history, stem from the original sin of the brothers selling Yosef. Isn't it time that we realize we are all one soul and one heart? Why is it so difficult to love each other? Why are families not speaking to each other? Why is there so much friction between one group and another? Haven't we been through enough tragedy to realize how petty these differences are? Hashem created twelve shevatim, each with different talents, abilities, and destinies. It's time we all realize that each one of us is unique and special and beloved by Hashem. If Yosef could forgive his brothers, can't we?

Please remember to say your Tehillim this Shabbos! As the days are now much shorter, it is perfectly fine to say your Tehillim on Friday night. You may check the Shabbos Tehillim spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for. 

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