Friday, December 17, 2021

FW: [aneinu] Please Say your Tehillim on Shabbos

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 12/17/21 2:37 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please Say your Tehillim on Shabbos


Dear Aneinu Members,

It has always been a source of wonderment to me that Yaakov could say Shema at the precise time of his reunion with his beloved son, Yosef HaTzaddik. He had spent the last 22 years in deep mourning and loved his son very deeply. 

I saw a beautiful explanation by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner, quoting the Ohr Gedalyahu, regarding this topic. Yaakov had thought that with the loss of Yosef, his mission of fathering twelve tribes was lost. Now that he saw that Yosef was alive, and a tzaddik in the fullest sense of the word, he realized that when things looked so dark and bleak, they were really very good. He had twelve completely righteous sons. Yosef became the tzaddik that he was because of the tests he had in Mitzrayim. Shema Yisroel, H-shem Elokeinu H-shem Echad. The chesed of H-shem and the judgement of Elokim were now one. Everything became clear for Yaakov, and he wanted to express that by saying Shema.

May we all be able to have the clarity of seeing that even when things are so completely dark and bleak, they really are good, and may we all experience the full revelation and depth of H-shem's kindness with the coming of Mashiach and the geulah shlema.

Please remember to say your Tehillim this Shabbos! As the days are now much shorter, it is perfectly fine to say your Tehillim on Friday night. You may check the Shabbos Tehillim spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for. 

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