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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 12/3/21 11:03 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <myysbyy@aol.com>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger
| B"SD A FREILICHEN CHANUKAH!! Hello Ladies, A Freilichen Chanukah!! I hope this note finds you and your families healthy, well, and basking in the lights of Chanukah. Wishing you and all of your family a CHANUKAH SAMEACH! A CHODESH TOV! AND A GUT SHABBOS! Shabbat SHALOM, Leah Q? Why is the fifth day one on the most significant days of Chanukah? (courtesy - Inside Chanukah by Rabbi Aryeh Pinchas Strickoff) A: Based on the Jewish calendar, the 5th day is the only day of Chanukah that can never fall out on Shabbos. All of the other days of Chanukah can and do coincide with Shabbos during one year or another, giving those days an extra boost of illumination. Lacking the extra energy of the Shabbos candles, the 5th night of Chanukah is the night of the greatest darkness. But since where there is deeper darkness there is greater potential for illumination, the 5th night of Chanukah has within it the strongest potential to ignite spirituality, more so than any of the other nights. The darker it seems, especially in the depths of our exile, the greater the potential to illuminate the world! ************************************** Here is another Torah Thought - Enjoy! To Continually Increase Light ... (courtesy - Timeless Patterns in Time - adapted from the works of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, shlit"a) Adding a new Chanukah candle every night teaches us that every day we must increase our endeavors to spread light. As our sages explain, lighting the Chanukah candles exemplifies the principle, "Always advance higher in holy matters." (Shabbos 21b) The lessons we learn from the Chanukah lights should be applied in every aspect of our lives. Every day should lead us to further growth and create new opportunities for spreading G-dly light in our homes and in the world. Thus understood, the kindling of the Chanukah lights will serve as a catalyst to bring about the ultimate light that will illuminate the world in the Era of the Redemption. ************************************** Friendly Reminders: 1) Rosh Chodesh Teves is this Shabbos, December 4th and Sunday, December 5th 2) This Motzei Shabbos, December 4th starting at Maariv, those in Chut"z La'aretz, (outside of Eretz Yisrael), start praying for rain, say: V'sain Tal U'matar livracha in Baruch Aleinu in Shemoneh Esrei. 3) As many of you know it is an auspicious time to stay seated by the Chanukah candles and daven for about half-an-hour... There are various Minhagim as to which Tehillim to recite after kindling the Neiros Chanukah. Listed below are a few: 19/30/33/67/100/133 and 139 (suggested by Aneinu) **************************************************************************************** ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger THIS Tuesday, December 7th LIVE Rosh Chodesh Teves Tele Conference 8:00pm Chicago time Dial In details: (USA) 717-908-1834 Access Code: 912708# ***************************************************************************************** To listen to the AMAZING REPLAY with REBBETZIN TEHILA JAEGER Daughter of Rav Shlomo Friefeld ZT'L CHANUKAH: The Victory of LIGHT Over Darkness Please dial USA Phone Number: (641) 715-3900 Ext: 965772 followed by the # L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a Available Internationally via Inspire by Wire: Please DIAL: Israel: 02-372-3330 England: 03-30-124-0241 USA: 718-906-6451 For Direct Access: Press 4, then 5, then 2, then 26, then # sign Please pass on to your family and friends...Thank You!! TO STAY INFORMED: email: 613leah@gmail.com L'ilui nishmas Ruchama a'h bas HaRav Naftali HaLevy Jaeger shlit'a L'ilui nishmas Rochel Leah a'h bas Meiram a'h L'ilui nishmas Aryeh Leib a'h ben Yisroel Tzvi a'h L'ilui nishmas Sarah a'h bas Avigdor a'h Continued good health for Shmuel Ezriel ben Sarah Continued good health for Sarah Mirl bas Pessi L'ilui nishmas Avigdor a'h ben Nathan a'h L'ilui nishmas Moshe a'h ben Avigdor a'h L'ilui nishmas Sarah Henya a'h bas Nachman Leib a'h L'ilui nishmas Dan Ezra a'h ben Yaakov a'h L'ilui nishmas Natan a'h ben Yitzchok a'h L'ilui nishmas Chaya Masya bas Asher HaKohen L'ilui nishmas Leah Rochel bas Tzadok Dov a'h L'ilui nishmas Moshe Leibel a'h ben Mordechai a'h | | | | | |
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