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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 12/1/21 2:31 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <myysbyy@aol.com>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Tonight's Aneinu Teleconference - Chanukah: The Light of Truth Shiining Through a Cloudy World
The Bobover Rebbe, Rav Bentzion zt'l was playing dreidel with his grandson, Naftul'che a short time before the war. Rav Bentzion would not survive, though Naftul'che would survive and become a Rebbe of Bobov. As they were playing dreidel, Naftul'che rolled a 'gimmel' and took all the gelt. After replenishing the 'pot', Naftul'che rolled again and got a 'hei,' and took half of the pot. Feeling good about how the game was going, he rolled again, but this time his grandfather, Rav Bentzion, put his hand over the dreidel before Naftul'che could see what was the dreidel landed on. A very dark look came over the Rebbe' face and he said to his grandson, "we Don't always need to know what the dreidel lands on. The main thing is for a Jew to just keep on going.' Rav Moshe Weinberger's article on Chanuka in last week's Jewish Home | | WEDNESDAY NIGHT TELECONFERENCE ON CHANUAKAH | | | | 8:15PM - 9PM CHICAGO TIME CALLIN NUMBER: 646 558 6338 PIN 30671# | | TOMORROW: EREV ROSH CHODESH TEHILLIM TELECONFERENCE | | DATE; THURSDAY DECEMBER 2ND SPEAKER: RABBI DANIEL TRAVIS TITLE: Illuminating the Darkest Moments with the Light of Chanukah What should we be taking out from the recent killings of Shmuli Silverberg (Denver) and Eli Kay (Yerushalayim) TIME: 12:15 PM CHICAGO TIME AFTER THE DIVRE CHIZUK WE WILL SAY OUR TEHILLIM TOGETHER AND DAVEN FOR YESHOUS, REFUAHS FOR KLAL YISROEL CALLIN NUMBER: 646 558 6338 PIN 30671# | | Chava Naomi bas Doba Chana May all the cholim have a refuah shelaima b'zoch kol cholei yisroel | | | | |
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