Friday, December 10, 2021

Fwd: Multifaceted

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From: Ki Heim Chayeinu <>
Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 8:16 AM
Subject: Multifaceted
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Rabbi Eli Mansour
E18, Multifaceted

We know all about eating three meals on Shabbos, but what about nourishing our souls?Although Shabbos is a day of rest, it shouldn't be a passive day. We should be resting from our weekday acivities but active in pursuing Ruchniyus. Rabbi Mansour gives us some practical ideas about how to make Shabbos a day of Torah and Ruchniyus, and shares a fascinating Zohar about what goes on Upstairs when our Neshama yeseira returns on Motzaei Shabbos. Even if you are not someone who can learn Torah, this awesome Zohar will give you the impetus to change your Shabbos for the better- starting this week!
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
E7, The Power of a Prayer

We all know that after lighting Shabbos Candles, its an Eis Ratzon to daven and connect to Hashem. Have you ever wondered what makes this such an auspicious time? Rebbetzen Smiles reveals why this is, along with an astounding story giving us insight into the other Tefillos that are customarily said at this time.
Come join the Masmidei HaShabbos Program!
This Week's Mission:
Gain a deeper appreciation for the Shabbos Zemiros
All you need to do is:

Print out a copy for each person at your Shabbos table

Sing from the sheets and allow the words of the Zemiros
to elevate your Shabbos

3. WIN!
Ask your parents to email us at
- or - call our HOTLINE at 1-44-333-TORAH (1-443-338-6724)

Please include your first and last name, age,
grade, and full name of school.

And you'll be entered to WIN! a $250 Gift Card!
The Music of The Siyum:
Holocaust Tribute Medley
When We All Danced
Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...)
Ben Yomo:
BBQ Grills
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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