Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 28 Kislev 5782/December 2, 2021

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Date: Thu, Dec 2, 2021, 4:13 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 28 Kislev 5782/December 2, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
December 2, 2021 - 28 Kislev 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • Bnos Agudas Yisroel is an intrinsically important part of Klal Yisroel and Agudas Yisroel, as it raises our daughters as bnos Yisroel under the banner of Agudas Yisroel. The Bnos leaders' session at the Agudah Convention is perhaps the most under covered and underappreciated by the general public, but extremely critical to the girls who lead Bnos. To them this session is an opportunity to communicate with those in the same position, as well as to receive guidance and inspiration. See below to read more about this years Bnos session.

  • Agudah of Illinois is excited to announce their upcoming H3 Business Halacha Summit will take place December 22 and 23. See below for more details and to sign up.

  • Bnos and Pirchei Newsletters: Download this week's Pirchei newsletters by clicking here for the Pirchei Pages, and here for the Pirchei Weekly. Download the Bnos newsletter for this Shabbos here.

  • Do you want to work for the Agudah? The Agudah is looking to hire a front desk receptionist who would be working in our Manhattan office. This is a full-time position, and responsibilities include answering phone calls and emails, returning voicemails, sorting mail, and other general office tasks. If you are interested please email

  • All recordings of convention sessions are available. They can be listened to on Torah Anytime at 718-289-2077 or viewed at Click here to see a printable directory of all sessions' dial-in extensions.
The Agudah Convention Session You DIDN'T Hear About Yet
Amid the mass Q&As, keynote sessions, and packed daises, something BIG happened in a small room off to the side of Agudah Convention 2021.

On Thursday night, over 50 Bnos leaders came for a special, star-studded session of their own. First, Ms. Leah Zagelbuam, former National Director of Bnos and current vice president of Communications for Agudath Israel, spoke. Rabbi Labish Becker, executive director of Agudas Yisroel, was next. They both emphasized to the girls how important their role is as part of Agudas Yisroel.

Rebbetzin Temi Kamenetsky came to give the girls divrei bracha. She encouraged the girls to appreciate their inner worth as a Bas Yisroel. "The girls basked in her brachos," says Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos. "They couldn't get enough!"

Mrs. Genendel Krohn was the main speaker. She's a well-known author and teacher, and she's also a former Bnoser and Bnos leader. She acknowledged the leaders' hard work and spoke about the impact a leader can make. Bnos shows young girls the beauty of Shabbos and gives them positive associations that last a lifetime. Hashem will repay you, she assured the leaders.

"The leaders kept on asking questions," says Mrs. Hass. "How do you get the girls excited? How do you use the Bnos theme? They didn't want to stop!"

And at the end, ten Monsey leaders who were at the Bnos Leaders Convention the previous Shabbos got up and shared some of the inspiration with the rest of the girls. Their enthusiasm ended the program on a high note.

The program was only an hour, but afterward, the girls joined other public sessions. "They begged to stay longer at the convention," says Mrs. Sara Yehudis Goldstein, Monsey Bnos Coordinator.

Mrs. Goldstein sees two enormous gains for the girls. One, they got some much-needed chizuk. She explains that they're working hard as volunteers, and it's nice to get that boost and remind yourself why you're doing this. The leaders felt like a million dollars, being recognized for their work!

Second, they felt connected to the bigger cause of Agudas Yisroel. "I tell that to the girls at our orientation," says Mrs. Goldstein, "but they don't get it. Coming to the Agudah Convention, seeing the gedolim, having a room set up just for them, realizing that the Executive Director took out time just to speak to them – it finally hit home! They realized they're an integral part of a larger mission."

"The girls left with such a sense of pride in their role as Bnos leaders," concludes Mrs. Goldstein. "And that's what we wanted to give them."
H3 Business Halacha Summit
Building on the successes of the first two Business Halacha Summits, Agudah of Illinois is anxiously anticipating the upcoming H3 Business Halacha Summit, which will be taking place on December 22-23 at the Schaumburg Renaissance Convention Center and Hotel. Presentations will be made by renowned Rabbanim and poskim on the proper halachic and hashkafic approach to being in business. There are many networking opportunities and attendees will also hear from industry leaders about their challenges and solutions to running a business according to halacha. For more details, registration information and sponsorship opportunities, please see the above flyer or visit
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