Monday, December 13, 2021

Fwd: What D.A.F. is doing for you

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From: Dafyomi Advancement Forum (D.A.F.) <>
Date: Mon, Dec 13, 2021, 8:30 AM
Subject: What D.A.F. is doing for you
To: Chroman <>

D.A.F. UPDATES Siyum on entire Yerushalmi!! I am truly excited to share with our dear readers and supporters, that D.A.F. has just completed another




Siyum on entire Yerushalmi!!

I am truly excited to share with our dear readers and supporters, that D.A.F. has just completed another entirely unique resource. We are the very first to post both written and recorded Shiurim for the entire Yerushalmi! The material is unique in another way as well. The Yerushalmi for each Maseches is split into sections to learn Daf by Daf with the Bavli for that Maseches.

The Yerushalmi material can be easily accessed by searching for a Perek & Halachah, or a Daf Yerushalmi, or by finding the Matching Sections for any Daf Bavli. Baruch Hash-m, the material is in constant use by Yidden around the world.

chanuka big

Chanukah recording

Our apologies for not distributing a new Chanukah Shiur from Rabbi Kornfeld this year.
b'Ezrat Hashem those who have renewed their yearly membership will receive a Purim Shiur as well a second Shiur (in place of the missed Chanukah Shiur) later this year.


Member's Gifts

Our free member's gifts will be mailing soon be'h to those who chose them when submitting their yearly membership dues. Thank you for your kind support!

Those who have not yet elected to submit a $100 yearly membership donation may do so using the link below.

See you on the Daf!

Your Chavrusos at the

Dafyomi Advancement Forum


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