Friday, December 3, 2021

Fwd: Wisdom of Not Knowing; The Mind of a Gabbai; Jewish Life and Law at SCOTUS

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 7:37 PM
Subject: Wisdom of Not Knowing; The Mind of a Gabbai; Jewish Life and Law at SCOTUS
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This Is the Greatest Threat to the Jewish Community
This Is the Greatest Threat to the Jewish Community
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Communal concern regarding antisemitism and the threat of physical violence against Jewish institutions and individuals has grown dramatically, and for good reason. But the struggle for substantive Jewish continuity is our most basic challenge, and it is the issue that demands the lion's share of our focus and resources.

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The Wisdom of Not Knowing
The Wisdom of Not Knowing
Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph

"I don't know." Three words that are so important for any leader, manager, supervisor or parent. And yet they are often words difficult to verbalize. From the Winter 2021 Issue of Jewish Action.

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PARSHAT MIKETZ December 3-4, 2021 / 30 Kislev 5782


HAFTARAH Zechariah 2:14-4:7


THIS SHABBAT Rosh Chodesh Tevet. Begin saying "Vetein Tal U'matar" at Maariv Saturday night.


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Tevet is celebrated on Shabbat, December 4, and Sunday, December 5. Chanukah is celebrated through Monday, December 6.

Around the OU
Eight Days of Chanukah Inspiration
Eight Days of Chanukah Inspiration
Orthodox Union

It's halfway through Chanukah and there's still plenty of time to enjoy the enlightening divrei Torah, insightful videos, Chanukah recipes and more.

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Listen: Jewish Life and Law at the Supreme Court
Listen: Jewish Life and Law at the Supreme Court
Tikvah Fund Podcast

Dr. Avi Helfand talks about the amicus brief he filed on behalf of the Orthodox Union for an upcoming Supreme Court case, Carson v. Makin, which deals with the funding of religious schools.

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Chanukah in the Time of Rising Antisemitism
Chanukah in the Time of Rising Antisemitism
Michelle Boorstein

In this Washington Post article, OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer weighs in on the themes of Chanukah as they relate to our time.

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NCSY and Assembly Health Team Up to Provide Chanukah Needs to Nearly 4,000 Teens
NCSY and Assembly Health Team Up to Provide Chanukah Needs to Nearly 4,000 Teens

Thanks to Assembly Health, by the end of Chanukah nearly 4,000 sets of candles and menorahs will have made their way to the hands of NCSY teens.

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Who Is the Hero of Jewish History?
Who Is the Hero of Jewish History?
Orthodox Union

Don't miss the Sheldon Rudoff a"h memorial lecture on Wednesday, December 8. This year the speaker will be Yeshiva University President Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman. Mr. Rudoff was a past president of the Orthodox Union.

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Understanding Medicare – Review and 2022 Updates
Understanding Medicare – Review and 2022 Updates
SPIRIT Initiative

What is Medicare and what are the typical costs associated with it? Get the answers to that and more on Tuesday, December 7, at this virtual presentation.

Register Now
Listen: Parenting Perspectives
Listen: Parenting Perspectives
JEDucation Podcast

Rabbi Phil Karesh, executive director of OU Community Projects & Partnerships, is a parenting and chinuch expert. In this episode, he shares many insights and reflections into parenting.

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What if a Shul Doesn't Have Three Sifrei Torah?
What if a Shul Doesn't Have Three Sifrei Torah?
Halacha Yomis

This Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh Tevet and Chankuah, we will read from three different Torah portions, but what if a shul only has one or two sifrei Torah?

Get the Answer
Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left and All Around
Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left and All Around
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Does the magen David ("Jewish star") have any inherent significance? And why are we quoting an Uncle Moishy song? Another real-life Q&A!

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Finding the Light in the Chanukah Prayers
Finding the Light in the Chanukah Prayers
Rebbetzin Zemira Ozarowski

Enjoy this d'var Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Joseph, Chanukah and Wisdom
Joseph, Chanukah and Wisdom
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What is wisdom from a Jewish perspective? And what does wisdom have to do with this week's Chanukah theme?

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Watch: Queen of Peace in Turbulent Times: Shlomzion HaMalka
Watch: Queen of Peace in Turbulent Times: Shlomzion HaMalka
Mrs. Rivka Maron

What do you know about Shlomzion HaMalka, AKA Alexandra of Jerusalem, one of only two queens ever to reign over the Jewish people?

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Chanukah Lighting in the Shul
Chanukah Lighting in the Shul
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we light Chanukah candles in shul? Is this just an additional method of publicizing the Chanukah miracle, or is it because a shul shares the holiness of the Beit Hamikdash?

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Appearance and Reality
Appearance and Reality
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

It may feel as though the story has reached its end but it turns out to be only the beginning of another story altogether.

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Jewish thought
Inside the Mind of the Gabbai
Inside the Mind of the Gabbai
David Olivestone

Why would anyone want to take on a role with such an overload of responsibility? From the Winter 2021 issue of Jewish Action.

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Learning to Do Kashrus Business in China
Learning to Do Kashrus Business in China
Rabbi Gavriel Price

In this interview, Rabbi B. Luntz, the OU's rabbinic field representative (RFR) in China, talks about his role in certifying facilities and products there.

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Featured Company: Larabar
Featured Company: Larabar
OU Kosher

Larabar combines simple ingredients like fruits and nuts to create a food product that's tasty, wholesome and convenient.

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Featured Products
Halacha Yomis: A Daily Halachic Companion
Halacha Yomis: A Daily Halachic Companion
OU Press

Halacha Yomis contains a wide selection of entries from the Halacha Yomis email series. The book consists of 354 halachos, one for each day of the Hebrew calendar year.


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Countdown to Shabbos
Countdown to Shabbos
OU Press

With one eye on this world as a newspaper editor, and the other eye on eternity as the author of pioneering works on Jewish spiritual heroes, Rabbi Hillel Goldberg's Countdown to Shabbos etches how Jews connect this world to the next via Shabbos.


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