Thursday, December 8, 2022

Fwd: Join in the Z'chus HaTorah! Shas 4 Shidduchim is Helping Singles in Shidduchim

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From: Chicago Chesed Fund <>
Date: Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 1:04 PM
Subject: Join in the Z'chus HaTorah! Shas 4 Shidduchim is Helping Singles in Shidduchim
To: <>

Turning the Tide with Torah

Searching for a shidduch today can feel like a daunting and sometimes, even hopeless task. But as you know, 6 years ago, we started a movement that is changing things on a truly monumental level. Chicago Chesed Fund's Annual Shas for Shidduchim campaign is back once again to provide the Chicago community with the opportunity to harness the power of limud haTorah for an incredibly strong z'chus for shidduchim.

This Tu B'Shvat, Sunday, February 5th, 2023, iy"H over 400 lomdim will gather together to collectively learn all of Shas within 24 hours! This monumental undertaking of limud haTorah will be a massive segulah for those seeking a shidduch. In addition, this 24-hour event will also see the return of last year's Shas for Shidduchim Jr. initiative. Over 70 of our local children will come together to learn all of Shisha Sidrei Mishnah, contributing even more to the tremendous power of the day's learning.

So, how can you get involved?

By heading to, you can sponsor a daf as a segulah for you or your loved ones to find a shidduch. Not only will your daf be an enormous z'chus, but your donation will also help many other singles and newlyweds across Chicago. All proceeds will go directly to supporting the myriad of Chicago Chesed Fund shidduch and wedding-related programs that have been making a massive difference for our community for years. These programs include consistent proactive outreach to our extensive shadchanim network on behalf of singles, arranging shidduch events and coaching for singles, providing sheitels and wedding gowns for new kallahs and their family, and much more. This combination of Torah learning and tzedakah can act as a truly powerful segulah!

Go to today and join in the z'chus haTorah!

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