Thursday, December 1, 2022

Fwd: Searching For A Devar Torah?

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, Dec 1, 2022, 5:31 PM
Subject: Searching For A Devar Torah?
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R' Yamin Goldsmith: Serving Hashem in More Ways Than One

R' Yamin Goldsmith: Serving Hashem in More Ways Than One


We all know of the opportunities we have to serve Hashem during our daily day. But did you know there are other times we can serve Him without us even realizing that it's a service to begin with?
In this week's Parsha Guest Series, Rav Yamin Goldsmith gives us some insight into certain parts of our day that can be utilized towards great things.


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R' Ephraim Shapiro: The Uniqueness of Yaakov

R' Ephraim Shapiro: The Uniqueness of Yaakov


Everyone knows the famous Rashi that tells us how when Yaakov left his city it had a huge affect. But why would the Torah only point this out by Yaakov, didn't Avraham Avinu also leave his city?
Rav Ephraim Shapiro gives us a beautiful insight into the differences between Avraham and Yaakov, and why it was important to mention this idea specifically by Yaakov.


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R' Ahron Lopiansky: Twisted Logic

R' Ahron Lopiansky: Twisted Logic


The world of Hakadosh Baruch Hu may seem contradictory or lacking sense to some people, but Rav Lopiansky explains that it's just a matter of perspective and direction. Is our connection with Hashem about bringing Him to us, or is it about bringing ourselves to Him?
Listen here to find out.


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R' Shalom Rosner: Hashem Is Here, Hashem Is there, Hashem Is Truly Everywhere

R' Shalom Rosner: Hashem Is Here, Hashem Is there, Hashem Is Truly Everywhere


Sometimes we think that Hashem is only found in certain places. Perhaps in places that are more spiritual and connecting. In this week's Parsha Rav Shalom Rosner delves into the dream of Yaakov Avinu to teach us the timeless lesson that Hashem is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is truly everywhere.


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R' Frand: Up & Down

R' Frand: Up & Down


Through the eyes of the Baal Haturim, Rabbi Frand takes a deeper look into Yaakov's dream and how it applies to every single Jew during our long and bitter exile.


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