Friday, August 4, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 17 Av 5783/August 4, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Fri, Aug 4, 2023, 2:21 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 17 Av 5783/August 4, 2023
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August 4, 2023 - 17 Av 5783

In the News Today: Statement on US government officials' positions on Israel's judicial reform... Yahrtzeit of the Amshinover Rebbe... Newsletters... The Agudah is hiring... Update from Colorado... And report on Bnos' Doroseinu initiative.

Statement on American Government Officials' Positions on Israeli Judicial Reform

This week, Agudah shared the following statement:

Agudath Israel of America takes no position on the Israeli government's proposed judicial reforms. But, whatever the merits or shortcomings of that plan, American lawmakers and other government officials, while they are entitled to their opinions, should not be seeking to use their positions of power to meddle in the internal affairs of another sovereign democratic state.

What form, if any, judicial reform in Israel should take is a matter for Israelis to determine, through Israel's vibrant democratic process.

The United States would rightly resent another nation's attempts to influence our own internal political affairs. Members of Congress and other American officials should ponder that, and leave Israeli issues to Israelis.

Rav Shimon Sholom Kalish, ztvk"l

Sunday, 19 Av, marks the 69th yahrtzeit of Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Rav Shimon Sholom Kalish, Shimon Sholom ben Menachem, the Amshinover Rebbe.

Click here to download this weeks Pirchei newsletter.

Click here to download this weeks Bnos newsletter.

Agudah is hiring! We are looking for: 

  • A full-time graphic artist to work out of either our Lakewood or Manhattan offices

  • A full-time receptionist for our Manhattan office

  • A full-time video editor/webmaster to work either in our Manhattan or Lakewood offices. We are willing to train the right candidate.

  • A full-time accounts receivable/ bookkeeper based out of our Manhattan office.

  • Assistant for our director of New York government affairs to work out of our Manhattan office.

All positions are full-time and in-person. Please send your resume to

LinkedUp Launches in Colorado

Agudath Israel of Colorado is delighted to announce the launch of LinkedUp, a new project with the goal of creating a vibrant Jewish business community in Colorado. This, in turn, will strengthen the entire Jewish community. 


The first item on LinkedUp's agenda is the Job List: a list of all available job opportunities for the Colorado Jewish community. The Job List will include listings in all career fields and specialties.

Job openings can be sent to

BBC is Breaking Barriers

"I could NEVER visit a senior. It would be sooooo awkward."

"Aren't nursing homes scary?"

"Does a half hour a week really make a difference?"

"There is fear and stigma around visiting seniors," says Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudas Yisroel. "It's a terrible shame because intergenerational relationships can be life-changing for BOTH sides."

While BBC has plenty of seniors asking for visits, calls, or pen pals, finding volunteers is much more difficult. Misinformation and lack of training hold girls back from this critical mitzvah. They don't realize how much they can gain from visiting a senior. This summer, Bnos Bikur Cholim (BBC) was determined to break down some of those barriers. 

The Nine Days were Doroseinu Senior Awareness Week, and BBC had a four-pronged approach:

1. Bnos sent 90+ camps a shiur curriculum to teach girls the importance of visiting seniors. It included valuable tips on conversations, patience, and maximizing time together.


2. BBC's usual Nine Days day camp nursing home visits were even more comprehensive this year. Bnos worked with the 25+ camps to cover every one of the 25 frum nursing homes in the NY-NJ area. Hundreds of girls were part of this program.

3. For the first time, BBC coordinated with sleepaway camps. The sleepaway camps are too far from the city for in-person nursing home visits, but 1100+ campers wrote to "Bubby pals."

4. 1000 high school and post-high school girls attended an enlightening two-part virtual event. (And many more listened to the recording!) In part one, Mrs. Chanie Juravel addressed what you gain through doing chesed, the vital role you can play in a senior's life, and practical tips for visiting a senior. Part two was a panel. An end-of-life coach, BBC volunteers, and family caretakers shared their thoughts and answered questions. 

"It's not just about getting more volunteers," explains Mrs. Hass, "although that's definitely an important goal. We also wanted to empower our girls to step out of their comfort zones for a chesed that can add infinite depth to their lives.

"This initiative is still very new, and we're iyh planning many more events. If you have any ideas, we'd love to hear them! Call us at call 212-797-9000 ext: 353 or email"

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