Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Fwd: Tu B'av and Jewish Marriage

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 1, 2023, 11:02 AM
Subject: Tu B'av and Jewish Marriage
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

August 1-7 • Av 14-20

An Important Note to our Users

We know this week has seen some errors and issues on the website, we are in the process of moving over to a new backend and hosting setup, and like all things in life, it didn't go 100% the way we would have liked. There might be more glitches to come until it's finished but we will work our hardest to minimize the interruptions. If you see anything not working properly, please let us know. Also, if you would like to test our new system before it goes live to ensure we catch these errors early, please visit beta.yutorah.org and let us know what you find. Thanks for your continued partnership and patience and we are excited for what's to come on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah.org site.

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Dr. David and Barbara Hurwitz in memory of Ruth Stern, רבקה בת לאה

by Lee and Aliza Braverman l'ilui nishmas Meir Volf ben Leib

by Yael and Michael Buckstein l'ilui nishmas Raizel Shaina bas Meir Mendel and Yisrael Tzvi ben Zev

by the Spira Family l'ilui nishmat Chanoch ben Moshe, Chaim Dr Thomas Spira

by Gila and Steven Stone and family for Hatzlacha and Parnasa for Eitan Noach ben Yuta Ettel and Ayala Chana bat Gila Rina

by Dr. Joseph Shainbaum לעילוי נשמת אביו, ר' בנימין בן ר' יוסף ז"ל

by Susan Dworken Koss in memory of her father Joseph Haberman, חיים משה יוסף בן אליקום אריה on his yarzheit

New This Week

Rabbi Dov Fink

Sheva D'Nechemta: Communal Consolation

The role of community in consoling loss during aveilus and facilitating life adjustment during sheva brachos.

Listen Now
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky

Mezuza Shailos in a New Shul

In honor of the inauguration of Rabbi Sobolofsky's new shul building.

Listen Now
Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz

Grape Jews: The Prohibition Era and the Kiddush Controversy

Exploring Rav Zvi Pesach Frank's teshuva on making Hagafen on grape juice.

Listen Now
Rabbi Michael Taubes

Rome - One of the Oldest Continuous Jewish Communities

The fascinating history of the Jews of Rome.

Listen Now
R' Ari Wasserman

Refuah on Shabbos - Iice on a Swelling

What can be done to stop a swelling on Shabbos?

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Tu B'av Shiurim on YUTorah

Is this just the Jewish version of Valentine's day, or is there something deeper going on here?

Browse the Shiurim

Dating and Marriage

Tu B'av is the time of Jewish dating and marriage, and what better time to learn about the Jewish view of what makes a great relationship?

Browse the Shiurim

NCSY Kollel on YUTorah

Enjoy shiurim from the program in Israel with YU Roshei Yeshiva, rebbeim and other guests.

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

There was no program this past week. Please enjoy shiurim from our archives.

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