Thursday, September 7, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 21 Elul 5783/September 7, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2023, 6:06 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 21 Elul 5783/September 7, 2023
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September 7, 2023 - 21 Elul 5783

In the News Today: Agudah of Missouri launches a new Shidduch initiative... Agudah delegation visits Sacramento...The Worldwide Yemei Haselichos Event... And, free download! The Halachos of the Yomim Noraim.

Agudath Israel of Missouri Launches St. Louis Shidduch Initiative: "Community Getting Together to Help Each Other"

Agudath Israel of Missouri is thrilled to announce the launch of the St. Louis Shidduch Initiative. The Shidduch Initiative kicked off with an informational event, attended by 100 people.  

The St. Louis Shidduch Initiative was founded by Rabbi Menachem Tendler, Rabbi of U. City Shul, and community members Mr. Yigal Sasportas and Mr. Aharon Lefton. It aims to facilitate the networking and exchange of ideas, resources and connections and advocacy for the single men and women in the St. Louis community by providing educational and inspirational events, connecting families and singles to a network of shadchanim, and training new shadchanim within the St. Louis community.

Click here or see below to continue reading.

Agudath Israel of America's California Office Leads Advocacy Delegation to Sacramento 

Last week, Agudath Israel of America's California Office led a delegation to Sacramento. The delegation, comprised of Agudah representatives and community members, spent the day meeting with California legislators to strengthen relationships and discuss items of concern to California's Orthodox Jewish community. 

The delegation met with State Senators Ben Allen, Caroline Menjivar, Lola Smallwood-Cuevas, and Scott Wilk; Assembly Majority Leader Isaac Bryan; Assemblymembers Jesse Gabriel, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Luz Rivas, Jim Wood, and Assembly Democratic Caucus Chair Rick Zbur. 

Click here or see below to continue reading.

The Worldwide Yemei Haselichos Event

Click the flyer above to see a larger version.

KnowUs, a division of Agudath Israel of America, is proud to announce an inspiring, informative, worldwide event brought to you by the Living Kiddush Hashem Foundation, premiering this motzaei Shabbos

The event, which will also include engaging, timely, and concise divrei chizuk by Rabbi, Avrohom Schorr, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, and Rabbi Shraga Freedman, is hosted by Rabbi Yechiel Spero, and will conclude with "Nekadesh," a new musical presentation.

The objective is to spread awareness of the importance of living al kiddush Hashem in all environments.

This event is free; its message is priceless. 

Watch on or on

Safa Berura: The Halachos of the Yomim Noraim

The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a sefer that includes the halachos of the Yomim Noraim.

The content for the sefer was compiled and written by Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Executive Director, Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbanim, and reviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois.

Click here to download the printable pdf.

Agudath Israel of Missouri Launches St. Louis Shidduch Initiative: "Community Getting Together to Help Each Other"; continued...

The goal of the St. Louis Shidduch Initiative is to be the central umbrella for all things shidduch related in St. Louis. 

"We want to take the best ideas from the existing shidduch initiatives and customize them for St. Louis," said Mrs. Shira Swidler, director of the St. Louis Shidduch Initiative. "Our goal is to put St. Louis on the shidduch map, to provide any resource a single may need throughout their dating experience, and to develop communal awareness by getting the whole community involved." 

Opportunities to volunteer for the St. Louis Shidduch Initiative are not limited to the realm of shadchanus, but include any skill or interest that could benefit singles. 

"In a close-knit community like St. Louis, the shidduch needs in the community are really felt by everyone," said Rabbi Hillel Anton of Agudath Israel of Missouri. "We saw from the overflowing crowd at the event that people view other community members as family, and family takes care of each other." 

To contact the St. Louis Shidduch Initiative you can call Mrs. Shira Swidler at 314-359-3580, email, or visit

Agudath Israel of America's California Office Leads Advocacy Delegation to Sacramento; continued...

"Seeing the interactions between the Agudah and our legislators firsthand showed how invaluable these relationships are and what it means for California's Orthodox community to have the Agudah advocating for them in the halls of government," said Mr. Chaim Freeman, a member of the delegation.

California has seen a recent rise in antisemitism, climaxing with two men being shot at while leaving shul, on consecutive days. The safety and security of our schools, shuls, and other non-profits is one of the highest priorities of the Agudah. To this end, Agudah's California Office is advocating for more funds to be allocated to the California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program (CSNSGP), and for the allowed uses for those funds to be expanded. The delegation members thanked Assemblymember Gabriel, co-chair of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus, and everyone who supported the nonprofit security grant, for working to keep the Jewish community safe. 

Another item on the agenda was the Universal School Meal program. Currently, California's universal school lunch program excludes children who attend non-public schools. Agudah representatives shared that an overwhelming majority of students attending Jewish day schools are on scholarship and would greatly benefit from free meals.  

"California should live up to its promise and ensure that all school children are provided with nutritious meals." said Mr. Schneur Braunstein, executive director of Tomchei Shabbos of Los Angeles who shared heartbreaking stories of some of the struggling families who reach out to him each day. 

"We are grateful to all the legislators who met with us," said Rabbi Yaakov Subar, director of Agudath Israel of America's California Office. "Community engagement is a key part of our advocacy and meetings such as these are integral for maintaining strong relationships with our legislators. Many legislators expressed interest in visiting our community institutions, and Agudah is working to make that happen." 

The legislators commended the delegation for making the trip to Sacramento and continuing to educate the government officials about the Jewish community. 

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