Thursday, September 7, 2023

Fwd: OU Certifies Brand of Lab-Grown Chicken; Oh, You? New Podcast; Singlehood in the Community

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2023, 8:55 PM
Subject: OU Certifies Brand of Lab-Grown Chicken; Oh, You? New Podcast; Singlehood in the Community
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Elevate your Elul and take some time to focus on tefillah with new shiurim for 5784.
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September 8-9, 2023 / 23 Elul 5783


Isaiah 61:10-63:9


Ashkenazim begin saying Selichot Motzoei Shabbat, September 9.

featured icon FEATURED
Oh, You?
Oh, You?
Orthodox Union

We are excited to introduce Oh, You?, a new podcast hosted by OU EVP and COO Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph that offers the opportunity to meet the incredible people who power all of our OU programs. In this first episode, Josh interviews OU Kosher rabbinic coordinator Rabbi Daniel Sharratt, who shares his journey from water polo athlete to Orthodox Judaism.

Watch Now
B'himatzo: Finding Hashem Through Prayer
Orthodox Union
B'himatzo: Finding Hashem Through Prayer

Elevate your Elul and take some time to focus on tefillah with new shiurim for 5784 and a livestream event on Tzom Gedaliah featuring Rav Aaron Lopiansky, Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, and Rabbi Chaim Marcus, moderated by Rabbi Yaakov Glasser.

Explore These Shiurim
How Can We Better Support Single People in Our Community?
Center for Communal Research
How Can We Better Support Single People in Our Community?

A traveling panel will address the OU's recent report on the challenges of singlehood and discuss ways the Orthodox community and its members can enhance the lives of single men and women.

Register Now
The Real Shidduch Crisis
Rabbi Yisrael Motzen
The Real Shidduch Crisis

By placing our emphasis on getting single men and women to the next stage of their lives, we write off their current stage as unimportant, leaving them without adequate support and direction.

Read More in the Jewish Press
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Scholar-in-Residence in Lawrence, NY
Orthodox Union
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Scholar-in-Residence in Lawrence, NY

Rabbi Moshe Hauer will be scholar-in-residence at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence, NY, this Shabbat, September 8-9.

More Information
In a First, OU Certifies Brand of Lab-Grown Chicken
OU Kosher
In a First, OU Certifies Brand of Lab-Grown Chicken

Israeli startup SuperMeat's chicken products sidestep restrictions on using parts of living animals by growing meat from egg stem cells.

Read More in the Times of Israel
The Wintman Family Remembers the Rav
OU Press
The Wintman Family Remembers the Rav

"Our father met the Rav in 1941. Our father was involved in the activities of the Boston Jewish community but was not especially observant at the time."

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Yomim Noraim Inspiration With OU Israel
OU Israel
Yomim Noraim Inspiration With OU Israel

This year, OU Israel is offering two unique events in preparation for the Yomim Noraim. Join Torah Yerushalayim on September 12 and/or Torah Modiin on September 20.

Register Now
Jewish Action's Fall Issue Is Online!
Jewish Action
Jewish Action's Fall Issue Is Online!

Jewish Action's Fall issue "Singlehood in the Community: Are We Missing the Mark?" is out! Read about the search for spirituality, being single in the community, living in peace and harmony with our neighbors, Rosh Hashanah recipes and more.

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Selichot Night Programming
Women's Initiative
Selichot Night Programming

Join the OU Women's Initiative's Selichot Night programming, with Slovie Jungreis-Wolff and Michal Horowitz. Videos will be available on demand.

Watch on Selichot Night
Back-to-School Advice
Back-to-School Advice

Going back to school evokes a lot of emotions; excitement for the new school year and excitement to see friends again. Join us for three episodes, a course and multiple articles to best equip us for this transition back to school.

Watch Now
This Is How Brandeis Hebrew Academy Reduced Its Tuition Charges
Teach Coalition
This Is How Brandeis Hebrew Academy Reduced Its Tuition Charges

Brandeis Hebrew Academy, in Lawrence, NY, is hoping to give its families a financial break in the new academic year.

Read More in the LI Herald
  Orthodox Union  
Roundtable Events Discussing the Crisis of Experience for Single People in the Community

Join us for a series of events on this important topic in Boca Raton, FL, on September 11; in Baltimore, MD, on September 13; and via livestream on September 18.

Register Now
Parkinson's Support Group
September 11 at 7:30 PM EDT

Join us for an update on the Parkinson's research landscape, current symptomatic treatments, the road to a cure, and biomarkers and clinical trial participation. Presented by Fayga Brisman Taylor, senior associate director of advancement, The Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Register Now
Planning for the Future – If Not Now, When?
September 12 at 12 PM EDT

Join us for a presentation that will help you ponder your healthcare future and enable you to empower loved ones with information they need to know about your wishes. Presented by Toby Weiss, MS, OD.

Register Now
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The Choices We Make, the Life We Live
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The Choices We Make, the Life We Live

Bechira, free choice, is a core dimension of our humanity and a foundation of our belief system.

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Don't Be Caught Off Guard
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Don't Be Caught Off Guard

The Navi declares, "On your walls, Yerushalayim, I have set watchmen that will never be silent by day or by night."

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Why One Hundred Shofar Blasts?
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Why One Hundred Shofar Blasts?

Rashi explains why parshat Nitzavim immediately follows the curses of Ki Tavo. Perhaps this can also explain why we blow one hundred shofar blasts on Rosh Hashanah.

Read in Hebrew
Let There Be Light
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l
Let There Be Light

If we are to escape the confusion of our times, we must be willing to live Judaism as decisively and as boldly as we ordinarily would be bold and decisive in indulging our own pleasures.

Read More
Why Can't We Drive On Yom Tov?

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