Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fwd: Chanukah Lights and Campus Darkness; National Mobilization Week; About the Shabbos Nap

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Date: Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 6:33 PM
Subject: Chanukah Lights and Campus Darkness; National Mobilization Week; About the Shabbos Nap
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December 8-9, 2023 / 26 Kislev 5784


Zechariah 2:14-4:7


Shabbat Chanukah
Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Tevet


Chanukah begins tonight, December 7, and is celebrated through Friday, December 15.

Rosh Chodesh Tevet is celebrated on Wednesday, December 13.

featured icon FEATURED
Chanukah Lights and Campus Darkness
Chanukah Lights and Campus Darkness
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

On August 31, 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson gave an epic address at Harvard University in which he said "character is higher than intellect." Those five words should guide the presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT and their colleagues as they attempt to dig themselves out from their shameless and disastrous testimony to Congress and find the path forward for American "higher" education.

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Why Eight Nights When the Miracle Was Seven Nights?
Why Eight Nights When the Miracle Was Seven Nights?
Orthodox Union

OU Kosher's Rabbi Moshe Elefant discusses this fundamental question. Tune in to for other Chanukah content and shiurim.

Watch Now
Do you know anyone who would appreciate an invitation for Chanukah

Do You Know Anyone Who Would Appreciate an Invitation for Chanukah?

Welcome others into the warmth of your family and home. Lighting the menorah, Shabbos Chanukah or Chanukah parties and dinners all present opportunities to share your light with others who may be celebrating alone. How will you share your light this Chanukah?

Maury Litwack on Good Morning America
Teach Coalition
Maury Litwack on Good Morning America

This past Friday, Good Morning America shed light on the important issue of security needs in our yeshivas and Jewish day schools amidst the recent rise in antisemitism in the U.S. Teach Coalition's Maury Litwack is featured in the segment.

Watch Now
National Mobilization Week
OU Advocacy
National Mobilization Week

This week, we join with other national American Jewish organizations for "National Mobilization Week" in support of Israel, collectively advocating for at least 100,000 phone calls and emails to members of Congress in support of Israel's battle against Hamas.

Call Your Members of Congress
Role Playing Conversations About Child Safety
Role Playing Conversations About Child Safety

In this episode of GenAleph's Child Safety series, the podcast engages in role-playing scenarios to explore various conversations that should take place with our children about their bodily autonomy and safety.

Listen Now
Day of Tefillah – Sunday, December 10
Orthodox Union
Day of Tefillah – Sunday, December 10

A growing number of shuls have designated this Sunday, December 10, as an auspicious day for our community to gather in tefillah for our brothers and sisters in Israel.

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Riding the Political Waves
Maury Litwack
Riding the Political Waves

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson is supposed to have said, "A week is a lifetime in politics." And if a week can be so momentous, all the more so holds true for a month or a year. The way time operates in politics is unique. Consider where we were a year ago.

Read in Mishpacha Magazine
OU Initiates Pivotal Partnership to Enhance Access to Kosher Chicken in New York
Community Projects & Partnerships
OU Initiates Pivotal Partnership to Enhance Access to Kosher Chicken in New York

A collaborative effort with Gemiluth Chessed of Greater New York, City Harvest, and Empire Chicken ensures vital nutrition for the community.

Read in JNS
Chanukah With the Women's Initiative
Women's Initiative
Chanukah With the Women's Initiative

Please join us for the Women's Initiative Chanukah Ideas and Inspiration with Dr. Debra West, head of the Emergency Department at Samson Assuta Ashdod, Rabbanit Fran Miller, and mayor of Mitzpe Yericho Aliza Pilichowski.

Register Now
Grilling for Heroes: A Night With the 669 Search and Rescue Unit
Grilling for Heroes: A Night With the 669 Search and Rescue Unit

OU-JLIC Tel Aviv's community hosted a barbecue for the 669 Search and Rescue Unit near Gaza. The event also supported a local butcher whose business has been impacted by the war.

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When Everything Is War-Related
NCSY Israel
When Everything Is War-Related

Close to 200 English-speaking teens living in Israel gathered in Kfar Etzion for an incredible Shabbat experience. In many ways, this Shabbaton was like any other NCSY Israel Shabbaton, and yet it was utterly different.

Read more in the Times of Israel
Noa Lewis: How Can We Help Israel? Finding Our Purpose
Noa Lewis: How Can We Help Israel? Finding Our Purpose

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Noa Lewis, CEO of Echad and a volunteer with the IDF's women's Casualty Treatment Unit, talks about the sense of purpose it takes to unify the Jewish People with the Land of Israel.

Listen Now
What's the Truth About... Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?
Jewish Action
What's the Truth About... Joseph's "Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"?

Yaakov gave his favorite son a special garment that is described by the Torah as a ketonet passim. The translation of passim is shrouded in mystery, and even the word ketonet has various interpretations.

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Be the Light in the Darkness
Adina Soclof
Be the Light in the Darkness

This Chanukah, the Jewish people need to focus even more on being the light in the darkness. We have just endured so much suffering and heartache. How can we illuminate the night for our children?

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  Orthodox Union  
E-Cigarettes: Vaping and Tobacco Use by Youth in Our Community
December 18

Join the second session of a two-part virtual training for parents, yeshiva and seminary teachers, healthcare professionals and Jewish communal leaders on modern techniques for harm reduction.

Register at
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The Shabbos Nap
The Shabbos Nap

Learn the importance, the context and the limitations of the traditional Shabbos nap with Rabbi Reuven Brand! How should one proceed in an automatic restroom on Shabbos? Find out with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz! Plus, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon on primary and sub-categories of labor, Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on Fedex deliveries, and much more!

Learn Now
Chanukah: Building With Divine Design
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Chanukah: Building With Divine Design

The menorah described in this week's haftorah and envisioned by Zecharia is a very unusual menorah. It is not the menorah we are familiar with from the Beit HaMikdash, nor from the holiday of Chanukah.

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Lighting Chanukah Candles in Shul
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Lighting Chanukah Candles in Shul

Why do we light Chanukah candles in shul? Is this just an additional method of publicizing the Chanukah miracle, or is it because a shul shares the holiness of the Beit HaMikdash?

Read in Hebrew

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