Friday, December 15, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudah 3 Teves 5784, December 15, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2023, 12:51 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 3 Teves 5784, December 15, 2023
To: <>

December 15, 2023 - 3 Teves 5784

Ah freilichin Zos Chanukah! We start today's newsletter with a wonderful article written by Agudah Board of Trustees Member R' Menachem Lubinsky from this week's Hamodia Prime. In it, he details his perspectives on the last 100 years of Agudah's history, and looks ahead to the next 100 years. Click here to read it.

In other news today, a statement about antisemitic rhetoric at a Jackson, NJ, town meeting, regarding new ordinances passed subsequent to Agudah's lawsuit against illegal zoning rules; a letter shared with shuls around the country about joining the campaign to send 100,000 letters in support of Israel to Congress; Yahalom MD launches (and make sure to watch the video!); beat the registration deadline for this year's H3 Business Halacha Summit; women and girls - join a call with practical tips on how to visit a senior; proper disposal of your Chanukah licht; and, finally, this week's Pirchei and Bnos newsletters.

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Agudath Israel Statement on Hateful Rhetoric at Jackson Township Council Meeting


This week the Jackson Township Council voted to approve two ordinances agreed to as part of its settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, the New Jersey Attorney General's Office, and Agudath Israel of America. 

The council's commitment to the religious freedom of all residents reflects a dedication to the values of fairness and inclusivity that contribute to the well-being of the Jackson community. 

However, while Agudath Israel appreciates the democratic process that allows for diverse opinions, we wish to express our deep concern regarding the hateful rhetoric espoused by members of the public prior to and following the vote. 

Comments referring to a "cultural genocide," "a hostile takeover" of Jackson Township by the "Hasidic community" and calls to bar an Orthodox council member from voting, are shocking, and, quite frankly, played a role in the filing of the original lawsuit. 

Respectful dialogue is essential for fostering understanding and unity within our community, and we hope that moving forward, all discussions can be conducted with civility and respect for differing viewpoints. 

Agudath Israel remains committed to working collaboratively with the Jackson Council to ensure the continued prosperity and harmony of our community. We believe that open and constructive communication is the key to addressing the concerns of all residents and finding common ground that benefits everyone.

Send 100,000 letters to Congress

KnowUs' campaign is ongoing. Click here or on the image at right to see a letter that was shared in many shuls this week. If you have not seen this letter in your shul, feel free to print it and speak to your Rov about disseminating.

To access the portal and contact your legislators, visit

Yahalom Maryland Draws Large Crowd for Inspiring Launch Event

Recently, Yahalom MD, a division of Agudah Maryland, held its Baltimore kickoff event at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation. Hosted by a committee of parents and professionals, the event drew nearly 100 people and was a night of inspiration and connection, opening up a platform of communication with Yahalom MD and giving chizuk to parents with special children.


The program began with brief words of welcome from Mrs. Meira Burkom, Yahalom MD coordinator, followed by Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Executive Director of Agudah Maryland, who introduced Yahalom by providing the backstory of how the new division came to be and the evolution of its arrival in Maryland.

Click here or see below to read more.

Take Action: Urge Congress Now to Pass Emergency Aid for Israel and Nonprofit Security Grants!

Dear Agudah Activist:


This is the final week of the congressional session to pass emergency funding for vital appropriations. If it is not completed this week, Congress will not take up the issue again until it returns in January. Critical time will be lost.


We must, therefore, contact our senators and representatives right away to include within the emergency legislation (aka the "supplemental") being worked on now, two items of supreme importance to our nation and our community: First, to provide $14 billion in aid to Israel to assist in its war against Hamas. Second, to provide additional funding of at least $200 million to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP).

Click here to take action; read the rest below.

H3 National Business Halacha Summit: Registration Closing Wednesday

The H3 Summit will elevate you knowledge of halacha in business, and is your opportunity to gain clarity from prominent poskim, rabbanim & business leaders.

The H3 Summit will take place this December 27 and 28, and registration is closing this Wednesday. Click here to register.

Attention Ladies and High School Girls:

Add light to a senior's life: Join us as we learn the power of giving and practical tips on how to visit a senior from Mrs. Chani Juravel.

Monday, December 18, 2023

8:30 pm EST

Call in at 641-715-3800

Access code 937120# prompt 5

Proper Disposal of Chanukah Items

Do you know what to do with the leftover candles, oils, wicks, and so on from Chanukah? What about the cards that came to your mailbox with the brachos and zemiros for Chanukah? Click here for a concise guide from Agudath Israel of Illinois.

Click here for the Pirchei weekly newsletter


Click here for the Bnos weekly newsletter

Yahalom Maryland Draws Large Crowd for Inspiring Launch Event, continued:

Mr. Yehuda Gelman, the director of Highway of Hope, a leading patient advocate, and a sought-after consultant on rare diseases, came in from Lakewood, NJ to connect with the couples in attendance and to share info on the benefits a local Yahalom office can bring.


The keynote speaker of the evening was Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, noted educational consultant and inspirational speaker. Rabbi Rabinowitz stirred the audience with a strong message of chizuk and fortitude, and entertained his listeners with numerous touching stories. As a parent of a child with special needs and a talmid of Rav Moshe Shapiro, zt"l, Rabbi Rabinowitz has embraced the mission of sharing his experiences and being mechazek the parents of special children.


The event also offered an appetizing buffet and exciting raffles. Participants left with a thoughtful Chanukah gift courtesy of Yahalom MD, a children's game courtesy of Yitzchok's Toy Box, and connections that they never knew existed within the community. Hopefully, the renewed strength and inspiration that the parents acquired from the evening will serve as the "tip of the iceberg" of the future help Yahalom MD will facilitate to the members of the community.


To get a download link for Rabbi Rabinowitz's keynote presentation or for more information about Yahalom MD, please send an email to


To contact a Yahalom office:

YahalomMD: Mrs. Meira Burkom, 667-430-0901, 

YahalomNJ: Mrs. Chana Laniado, 848.285.8444,

YahalomNY: Miss Tova Wacholder, 212.747.8763,

Yahalom Chicago: Mrs. Fiona Kark, 773.279.8400 ext. 266,

YahalomFL: Mrs. Tzippy Richmond, 305.532.2500 ext. 3,

Take Action: Urge Congress Now to Pass Emergency Aid for Israel and Nonprofit Security Grants - continued:

There is no need to elaborate on why this funding is so critical and why it needs to be passed without further delay.


U.S. aid will help Israel dismantle Hamas and its ability to terrorize both Israelis and Gazans. The faster Israel can neutralize Hamas and fulfill its wartime objectives, the faster hostilities can be brought to an end.


A substantial increase in funding for NSGP will help protect our shuls, schools and other community institutions. At this time of an unprecedented spike of antisemitic incidents, the need for this boost in funding is greater now than ever before.


We urge you to contact your senators and representatives -- today -- and call on them to support inclusion of these appropriations in any supplemental that will emerge from Congress.


PLEASE NOTE: Even if you already took action in general support of Israel using the portal, please take action again using the link below as this message to Congress specifically focuses on the proposed aid to Israel and nonprofit security grants which are currently being debated in Washington.


Thank you for your help!


Click here to take action.


Rabbi Abba Cohen

Vice President for Government Affairs

Washington Director and counsel


Rabbi Yossie Charner

Director of Congressional Relations

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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