Thursday, December 14, 2023

Fwd: Parshat Miketz - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Date: Thu, Dec 14, 2023, 4:16 PM
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Parshat Miketz with Reb Chaim Kramer

This evening marks the last night of Chanukah - eight days of lighting up the darkness of exile.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Now more than ever, we want you to continue to shine.

This week, we launched a special campaign to become a partner in the reprinting of our out-of-print BRI publications, so that they can illuminate the darkness for the entire world.

On Chanukah there is a special mitzvah of extra charity, and this important merit of printing and spreading Rebbe Nachman's teachings can help overcome the evil in the world.

Please join us by clicking the link below, and in addition, you will also receive a special gift package.
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This week it's happening:

A special journey/tour to North America with Reb Chaim Kramer and Reb Yosef Karduner in honor of the hilula of Reb Noson.

Don't miss out! Register for one of these special evenings by clicking the link below.
Click here for more details
Today and tomorrow is the last chance to join our special Chanukah sale.

Click the link below to take advantage of our Chanukah discounts. 
Click here to enter our online bookstore
Pharaoh's Dream

The parshah begins with Pharaoh's dream. What was that dream?

He saw seven fat cows and seven ripe stalks; then came seven lean cows and seven dried-up stalks. He saw that the lean cows and dried-up stalks swallowed the fat cows and consumed the ripe stalks. That was his dream.

Reb Noson explains that this is the dream of the evil person, Pharaoh. Many times, we find blessing in our lives (seven indicating many times). We are happy, we are content, we are upbeat in our outlook on life.

Along comes Pharaoh. Along come challenges, frustrations, difficulties. We become despondent, angered, and frustrated, to the point that everything seems lost. So much so that we completely forget we did have good times! Times that are "swallowed up" by the challenges we face.

This is Pharaoh's dream: to make us forget that there were good times. To conceal the fact that there are always ups and downs in life. He wants us to never remember that there was, is, and will be good times.

The solution to Pharaoh's dream is Yosef, who advises, "Store from your good times and remember to keep them foremost in your mind. Then, when the difficult moments arrive, you will remember that there was good, and it will pass." How? Because you've stored in your mind that there was good and there will be good times to come.

The powers of Pharaoh, of evil, want a person to linger in despair with no hope of ever seeing good. "Swallowed up," as it were. On the other hand, Yosef, the tzaddik, encourages people to believe that good does exist and that we can emerge from the lean times into salvation.

Shabbat Shalom

Chaim Kramer

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Weekly Likutey Moharan – Reb Moshe Rubin – Lesson 12 – Part #4
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Reb Chaim Freud - Parshat Miketz - Yosef rises to power, meets his brothers, and dreams come true; Chanukah connection

From "Woke" to Waking Up - Meir Elkabas

Breslov Efrat - Moshe wonders about the precise times of Rava Di'rava, Midnight, and the new Moon - Reb Chaim Freud

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