Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Fwd: Spotlight on our Chayalim: RAV MICHAEL KAHN (FYHS '08)

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From: HTC101 <htcnews@htc.edu>
Date: Tue, Dec 19, 2023, 12:00 PM
Subject: Spotlight on our Chayalim: RAV MICHAEL KAHN (FYHS '08)
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Rav Michael Kahn (FYHS '08)

Where do you live:

I live in Yishuv Neria

Tell us about your family:

I'm married to my Eishet Chayal Elana and have 3 beautiful girls- Emunah, Hadar, Tzofia

Occupation (outside of the army):

I am the Executive Director of NCSY Israel and an Educator

Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:

Hagmar (Yehuda and Shomron Security) Gedud 8881

What give you chizuk during your army service:

Watching different shades of Jews taking care of one another

Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:

The Chevra, Rabbi Ginsparg on Purim, Basketball games

Anything else you want share:

Thank you for the support- keep davening and learning for all of Am Yisrael!

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