Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Ner Echad - Of Manna and Missions

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Ner Echad - Of Manna and Missions

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Ner Echad Newsletter, Parshas Behaalosecha

14 Sivan 5784, June 20 2024

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This week's Dvar Torah, featured below, reminds us how important it is to focus on positive and shift our perspective. We'd like to help with that! As summer rolls in for most of us, we'd love to hear from our members about the ways in which you are connecting with others - bringing more unity to our nation in this time when we need it most. Please share your stories, your Mazal Tovs, and your inspiration so that we can spread the good vibes, here in our cozy international newsletter :) Thank you for lighting up the world, good Shabbos!

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Quote of the Week

unnamed (58)

Members Making Missions

We are always happy to promote the work of our members who are doing great things for Jewish women! Here is a unique opportunity for upper high school or post high school young women to go to Israel and really learn about, connect with, and help in this war. Limited slots filling up fast - message 7326047020 for more details. 

Teen Mission (1)

Parshas Behaalosecha

"Vayivku …va'yomeru mi ya'achlenu basar. Zacharnu et ha'daga asher nuchal b'Mitzrayim chinam…V'ata…ein kol bilti el ha'man eineinu. V'Haman…v'hoya ta'amo k'ta'am lshead ha'shamen." (Bamidbar 11:5-8)  

"And they cried…and said 'who will feed us meat? We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt for free…and now…we have nothing to anticipate but the manna!' And the manna…its taste was like the taste of dough kneaded with oil."   


It's been a long journey out of Egypt, but we've finally settled down in the desert and built the Tabernacle. We've got water to drink and manna to eat – and suddenly we're…complaining?! Apparently, the manna was dull and dreary, unlike the delicacies we partook of back when we were slaves in Egypt! But how can that be? The Torah rants and raves about how delicious the manna was!   


Rabbi Aryeh Royde asks – who was right? The people who seemingly equated the taste to dried carboard – or the Torah that claims it to have been a delicacy?   


Both are right! The Talmud explains that the manna tasted like whatever one's heart desired. If you thought of pizza and French fries – POOF! But if you were adamant that it tasted like sawdust, well…  


If the manna tasted like anything you wanted, why not just imagine it and let it be so? Why did some feel compelled to complain? Rabbi Royde explains that it's harder to have a positive and sunny outlook than to surrender and just kvetch and complain. We are no different today. It's easier to see the negative than to summon up a favorable opinion. The manna can truly taste like that steak or caramel cheesecake – but only if you change your perspective!   

L'Ilui nishmat avi mori Yeshaya ben Eliezer Peretz Z"L                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

L'Ilui nishmat immi morati Tziona bat Yekutiel Z"L        

L'Ilui nishmat Tehilla Yocheved bat Yehuda/Ita Minna Z"L             

Sponsored as a Refuah Shelaima for Abba Pinchas ben Rivka  

Sponsored as a Refuah Shelaima for Moshe Chaim ben Livsha                                                                            

Sponsored for the safe return of the hostages; for peace of mind of the families of all victims; and in honor and a safe return of the soldiers defending our right to exist          

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Signing up to be part of our weekly united Mitzvos takes 3 minutes - and you can even do it from your phone! Click here or call 844.637.3242 to light up the world today!

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Ner Echad
780 East 4th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218

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