Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Reb. Orit Esther Riter - Our Inner Core

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Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 11:54 AM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Reb. Orit Esther Riter - Our Inner Core

Our Inner Core


The Nefesh Elokit is literally a 'piece of G-d' and cannot be blemished.  The soul's 'ailments' are caused due to her endless yearning to fulfill her task and stay connected to Hashem. The nefesh is perfect; she is entirely G-dly and needs only to work through the medium of the body to use it to spread G-dliness in the world.  Through refining the selfish and animalistic nature of the material world she accomplishes her unique task.

Before the nefesh descends she is shown her entire life; complete with the distractions and false enticements. She takes an oath to be righteous; she will always remain loyal to her desire to improve and refine this corporal world. She is allotted all of the necessary tools she needs to survive spiritually.  She is given these tools in installments throughout her life as she needs them and earns them (by means of tefillah, Torah study and good deeds).  The soul is equipped with emotions and intellect all focused on doing Hashem's will.  However as the soul merges with the physical body, who also comes with her dose of intellect and feelings, she finds herself fighting with another force.

The Zohar brings down the 613 mitzvot are essentially 613 channels through which the soul attains eternal elevation.  If the soul does not completely finish its mission it must return once again. Gilgul (reincarnation) in gematria (numerology) = 72 = chesed (compassion, kindness); the soul gains eternal elevation through reincarnation since it places her in a higher place to bask in the Divine radiance.

The Jewish people have the merit to carry this G-dly spark, the nefesh. Our inner core is perfect and unique to us. B'H may we value and apply it to make this world a better place.


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Orit Esther Riter

The Link to this week's
Or Talk on 

  • Your Emuna Inspiration on Audio!
A short inspirational quote from one of Orit Esther's Books ~

"  The best possible feeling in this world is to attach ourselves to the Source of all good - Hashem! Thinking and speaking to Hashem constantly reawakens the awareness that He is with us right here and now. "

- Turnaround Your Emotions, 
by Orit Esther Riter 

Shop all three books here: oremunaenergy.com/books

Dedicate the next Or Talk Digest to the memory of a loved one, a birthday gift to yourself or others, personal success, or as a segula for a refuah shelema, righteous children, or a zivug/shidduch.  

Email Orit Esther at oremunausa@gmail.com to inquire about a dedication opportunity. Or Emuna USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Therefore all programs and services of Or Emuna Energy Institute are considered charitable donations.

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