Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Fwd: Adversity & Limits, The Nine Days and Sefer Yirmiyahu

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2024, 11:06 AM
Subject: Adversity & Limits, The Nine Days and Sefer Yirmiyahu
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

July 30-August 5 • Tamuz 24-Av 1

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

in the zechus of a speedy refuah for בנימין בער בן חנה

by Aleeza and Natanel Lebowitz l'ilui nishmas Hinde Bayla bas Nosson Hakohein

by Chaya Nussbaum in memory of Elkah bas Yitzchok Nuter

New This Week

There are challenges in all areas of life, in our relationships with God, our relationships with others, and our relationships with ourselves. Listen to the recordings from the recent NCSY Kollel Leil Iyun from YU Rosh Yeshiva and other rebbeim on how to navigate the tensions of our Torah lives.

See the shiurim

No other book of Nevi'im sums up the agony and tension of the Three Weeks like Sefer Yirmiyahu. Why do we use this sefer for the Haftorahs at this time? What lessons can we learn from his haunting words?

See the shiurim

Starting Monday, our mourning elevates to a whole new level. What changes when the month of Av comes in?

See the shiurim

Recently Featured Shiurim


Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

When Rav Chaim Ozer Didn't Multitask

A story for the Three Weeks - and every week.

Listen Now

Rabbi Mordechai Djavaheri

Shooting Down My Neighbor's Drone: Invasion of Privacy, Trespassing, and Preparing for Geulah

Discussing the halachic and legal usage of drones in 2024 - where can they be flown, who is responsible for damages, and other interesting questions.

Listen Now

Rabbi Etan Schnall

Purchases and Shehechiyanu in the Three Weeks

What are the parameters of this custom not to make a shehechiyanu during the Three Weeks? What's the difference between this and a mourner who doesn't have this limitation?

Listen Now

Rabbi Eliav Silverman

Fasting for a Sefer Torah that Fell

The importance of honoring a sefer Torah.

Listen Now

Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz

In the Presence of Greatness: Appreciating Learning from a Gadol b'Yisroel

Reflections on the zechus of spending two weeks in Moreinu Rav Schachter's night shiur.

Listen Now


Insights to the Daf with Shiurim for the week of Bava Basra 29-35

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen: Mechila, Kapeida and Bei Bar Elyashiv (29a) Third-Party Sellers (30a) Halachic Man Wrestles? Kol de-Alim Gevar (35a)

Rabbi Dovid Hirsch: Toen Chozer Vitoen (31a)

Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Nature of Chiyuv Nishba V'noteil (33a)

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: Ein Safek Motzei Me'dai Vadei (33a)

Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: Witnesses With a Vested Interest (29a)

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: Judicial Intervention to Help a Litigant (31a)

Rabbi Jonathan Ziring: Mamom HaMutal Bisafek (35a)

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