Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fwd: Tisha b'Av Programming; Greeting People on Tisha b'Av; Making Sushi on Shabbat?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2024, 5:36 PM
Subject: Tisha b'Av Programming; Greeting People on Tisha b'Av; Making Sushi on Shabbat?
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PLUS: A Tisha b'Av Kina for 10/7
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August 9-10, 2024 / 6 Av 5784


Shabbat Chazon


Tisha b'Av begins Monday night, August 12, and ends Tuesday night, August 13.

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Infuse Your Tisha bAv With Meaning
Infuse Your Tisha b'Av With Meaning
Orthodox Union

Add meaning to your Tisha b'Av with kinot webcasts from Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Steven Weil, Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, and Rabbi Azarya Berzon. Special programming includes the B'Yachad LaNetzach project, a discussion with Israeli heroines, and the NCSY Kumzitz of the World.

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A Tisha b'Av Kina for 10/7
A Tisha b'Av Kina for 10/7
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Tisha b'Av is the day we mourn the range of tragedies that have marked Jewish history, beginning with the destruction of both Batei Mikdash. This year, there have been efforts to write kinot that reflect on the profound tragedy of October 7 and its aftermath.


The following kina, composed by Rabbi Moshe Hauer, is an adaptation of one of the existing kinot written in the 11th century, Kina 25, Mi Yitein Roshi Mayim. It is shared here for those who may find it appropriate, relevant, and useful.

Download and Print Kina PDF
The Shepherd Who Died Al Kiddush Hashem
The Shepherd Who Died Al Kiddush Hashem
Orthodox Union

As part of the OU's B'Yachad LaNetzach project memorializing the soldiers we have lost since October 7, Rabbi Yisrael Motzen spoke with Devora Sa'adon about her son, St. Sgt. Hallel Sa'adon, HY"D, who was killed on October 7. That day, when Hallel was under attack near Kibbutz Sufa, he chose to remain outside the safe place in order to protect his friends, who had already retreated. Learn about Hallel and how the B'Yachad LaNetzach project has affected his family.

Watch Now
Walz Instead of Shapiro Excites Left, but May Alienate Jewish Voters
Orthodox Union
Walz Instead of Shapiro Excites Left, but May Alienate Jewish Voters

Our EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and Executive Director of OU Advocacy Nathan Diament weigh in with the The New York Times on Kamala Harris' choice of Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro for VP.

Read in The New York Times
Exploring Jewish Leadership
Orthodox Union
Exploring Jewish Leadership

The Sparks Of History podcast interviews OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack and explores Jewish leadership as related to the Rav, the OU, and Senator Joe Lieberman.

Watch on YouTube
Holding On to Faith
Women's Initiative
Holding On to Faith

Join the OU Women's Initiative on Tuesday, August 13, for a Tisha b'Av video presentation, Holding On to Faith. The video will feature our EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer; Ditza Or, mother of hostage Avinatan ben Ditza Tirtza; Sara Zimbalist, mother of Eliyahu Moshe HY"D, killed in Gaza; and Leah Spitz, mother of Avi Spitz, severely wounded in Gaza.

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How JLIC's Israel Trip Impacted One Student
How JLIC's Israel Trip Impacted One Student

Discover how Matthew Levine's summer mission with JLIC transformed his faith and deepened his connection to Israel. Read about his volunteer work, spiritual growth, and newfound love for learning and community.

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Deepen Your Tisha b'Av Experience
Jewish Action
Deepen Your Tisha b'Av Experience

Sign up for the Jewish Action newsletter to connect to the powerful themes of the day: Churban, loss, grief and tragedy, but also hope and repentance.

Subscribe to the Newsletter
SPIRIT Support Groups – New Groups Being Formed

People with Parkinson's (PWP) is being planned for Monday evenings – 7:30 PM EDT
Caregiver Support Group (for various types of health issues) is being planned for Wednesday evenings – 7:30 PM EDT

Register Now
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Making Sushi on Shabbos
Making Sushi on Shabbos

What are the halachic issues that arise in making sushi and do they pose a problem on Shabbos? Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz explains! Plus… The Concise Code on a base for muktzeh, Rabbi Shalom Rosner on the melacha of lash, and more!

Making Sushi on Shabbos – Listen Now More on L'Kadsho HALACHA YOMIS: Preparing Beer on Shabbos for Havdalah?
Anchoring Our Future in Our Past
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Anchoring Our Future in Our Past

The Jewish People's future must be based firmly on a deep respect for our past, on the tradition of values that have characterized our people since Avraham and Sarah and since we stood as a nation at Sinai.

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From the Rav's Commentary on Kina 10 in Kinot Mesorat HaRav
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt"l
From the Rav's Commentary on Kina 10 in Kinot Mesorat HaRav

Tisha b'Av is a day of limitless despair and boundless hope and faith.

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Unheard Prayers?
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Unheard Prayers?

What is the meaning of the fact that our prayers are not heard on Tisha b'Av?

Read in Hebrew
Finding Refuge
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Finding Refuge

Yeshayahu uses three metaphors in our Haftorah to describe the destruction of Yerushalayim: "and the daughter of Tzion was left as a hut in the vineyard, as a night lodge in a cucumber field, as a besieged city."

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The Veil of God
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l
The Veil of God

God's face is hidden, but His heart is awake. We are exiled from Him—but not alienated.

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Questions About Tefillin
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Questions About Tefillin

Real-life Q&A about tefillin, including: Can I walk while wearing them? Can Rabbeinu Tam tefillin be identified by sight? And is it time for a haircut?

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Greeting People on Tisha bAv
Rabbi Ari Enkin
Greeting People on Tisha b'Av

You may have heard that we don't exchange greetings on Tisha b'Av, but what constitutes a greeting? Should we just ignore those who greet us? Learn all the ins and outs with this installment of Dalet Amot of Halacha.

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The Book of the Covenant
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l
The Book of the Covenant

Apart from Moses' song and blessing of the tribes — with which the book and Moses' life come to an end — the entire book of Devarim is a covenant on a monumental scale.

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A Time and a Place

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