Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - Pure & Wholesome

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Sent: Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - Pure & Wholesome

Pure & Wholesome


Elul is a time of special closeness – a desire to unite with Hashem. This month has the power to ignite within us a strong fiery passion to return to Hashem – a life of clarity and keen awareness that Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li (I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me).

A 'Ba'al teshuva' is defined as someone who 'owns teshuva'. Teshuva is shaped by a desire to ascend spiritually, despite the inevitable downfalls of our past. Sefer Yirmiyahu (31:20) brings down: "Shuvy Bitulat Yisrael  (Return O virgin of Israel…") Throughout the teshuva process, Ahm Yisrael returns to purity, a virgin incapable of being defiled. The Ramban ztk'l teaches that this indicates Hashem's great love towards Knesset Yisrael. Hashem loves us and is 'willing' to give us a second chance and 'waits' until we make teshuva.

This teaching highlights the foundation of teshuva – the ability to start anew and rely on a second chance. When we embrace the Divine gift of teshuva, we reveal our innate pureness and all transgressions are completely eradicated, as though they never occurred. We return to our untarnished G-dly core like being reborn.

Klal Yisrael is Hashem's bride. Elul reawakens the G-dly spark hidden within each of us by flooding us with feelings of yearning and the desire to reconnect with Hashem's love. In the process of returning to our innocence, our mindset also shifts gear. We are motivated to look at life from a fresher perspective, with renewed enthusiasm. Our prayers, mitzvot and Torah study are injected with the freshness and excitement associated with anything new and novel. Like a newly married couple's infatuation during their first year together, a complete teshuva process enables us to reignite our intense enchantment and love for Hashem.


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Orit Esther Riter

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A short inspirational quote from one of Orit Esther's Books ~

"  We are encouraged to live with the keen awareness of Hashem's presence everyday, everywhere. This world is a temporary abode, a place to accumulate eternal possessions for our souls' everlasting life span. "

- Turnaround 180 Degrees in 180 Days, by Orit Esther Riter

Shop all three books here: oremunaenergy.com/books

Dedicate the next Or Talk Digest to the memory of a loved one, a birthday gift to yourself or others, personal success, or as a segula for a refuah shelema, righteous children, or a zivug/shidduch.  

Email Orit Esther at oremunausa@gmail.com to inquire about a dedication opportunity. Or Emuna USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Therefore all programs and services of Or Emuna Energy Institute are considered charitable donations.

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