----- Forwarded Message -----From: "Chicago Aneinu" <cmwolper613@gmail.com>To: "Chaya Wolper" <myysbyy@aol.com>Sent: Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 10:52 AMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Shir HaShirim for Singles - Segula this Friday night (Nov 22) & Friday night Dec 6th--Please respond to elliech1@sbcglobal.net .It's that time of year again! We gather 40 women to reciteShir Hashirim as a segula for the single girls and boys in ourcommunity, to correspond with the parshiyos related toshidduchim - Chaya Sara (this Friday night - November 22nd)and two weeks later for Vayetze (December 6th).Boruch Hashem, we have had so many Simchos over the past year,but we are davening to be zoche to celebrate many more!PLEASE LET US KNOW IF WE CAN INCLUDE YOU IN OUR40++ WOMEN THAT WILL BE SAYING SHIR HASHIRIM.WE WILL THEN SEND YOU THE LIST OF SINGLES TO DAVENFOR.PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL AND TELL US TO INCLUDEYOU.Please send to elliech1@sbcglobal.net .· If you have any friends who can join our list to reciteShir Hashirim by candle lighting time please forward this email(the more people say it the better) and let us know. We want toadd their names and email addresses to our list (for periodic updates)and we want to make sure that we have at least 40 women sayingShir Hashirim.· If you have any girls or boys in shidduchim to add to our listplease let us know. The criteria for our list is:1. the girl/boy has to be Chicago- based,2. in shidduchim, and3. has to be at least a year back from seminary(or for a boy- in shidduchim)Please send us their name (include last name please for ourpurposes only) Hebrew name bas/ben Hebrew name of mother.May we share in many simchos this year!PLEASE SEND ANY UPDATES (NEW NAMES TO ADD TO LIST)BY Wednesday November 20th to elliech1@sbcglobal.netHERE IS HOW IT WORKS:NOTE:Parshas Chaya Sara (November 22nd) and Parshas Vayetze(December 6th) are the parshiyos of shidduchim. There is a specialsegula to say Shir Hashirim every erev Shabbos – but especially onthe parshiyos of shidduchim – it is a segula to say Shir Hashirim atcandlelighting and have in mind the singles that are in need ofshidduchim.You can find Shir Hashirim in the davening for Erev Shabbos -or in your Tanach (it is one of the Megillas).In the siddur, after Shir Hashirim there is a beautiful Rebon KolHaOlamim to say when you are finished saying Shir Hashirim.Ideally, one should finish Shir Hashirim, say the Rebon KolHaOlamim and ask HKBH to send the "zivug hagon b'mehara"(proper shidduch quickly) and read the list of names before Shkia(18-20 minutes after candlelighting).If this is too difficult for you to manage before Shkia - this is what youcan do (according to the Bais HaVaad of Lakewood).NOTE: You can say Shir Hashirim, the Rebon Kol HaOlamim, and thenames anytime on Friday, if that is easier for you.1. Please say the Rebon Kol HaOlamim that is after the Shir Hashirimand the girls'/boys' names with Licht Benching – either before or afteris fine. Have in mind that you are going to say Shir Hashirim later.NOTE: If you are saying the Tefilla BEFORE you say Shir Hashirim -you will have to change the tense of some of the verbs from "Past" to"Future". If you need help with that - email me and I will see if I canguide you.The reason we are recommending that you say the Tefilla first (not thenormal approach) is that we usually do not say Tefillos with bakashoson Shabbos. (We were told we can say it - if we say it with lichtbenching). If you are not going to be saying the Shir Hashirim rightaway - you will not be able to say the Tefilla later. Therefore, the psakthat Rivkie was given is that you can say the Tefilla first with thenames - and then say the Shir Hashirim later.When you say the girls' names - please have in mind that we are asking Hashem to send them their proper shidduchim soon.2. You can say the Shir Hashirim right afterwards – or if it is toodifficult to say the Shir Hashirim then, you can say it anytime thatnight – even after your Seudas Shabbos.IY'H I will try to send a reminder email on the Fridays of ParshasChaya Sara and VayetzeThank you for all your helpMay all of our tefillos be mekuyam and may we all share in manysimchos this yearEllie Cherrick and Rivkie Levitin
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Sunday, November 17, 2024
Fw: [-aneinu] Shir HaShirim for Singles - Segula this Friday night (Nov 22) & Friday night Dec 6th
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