Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fw: [-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - For Your Sake Hashem

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - For Your Sake Hashem


For Your Sake Hashem


There were a number of victories won on the Greek battlefront. One of which is taught to us in the bracha of Al Hanissim, "…Chukei Retzonecha (…. the laws of Your will)." Why the need to say Your will? We all know that the entirety of Torah laws and guidance are divinely rooted.

To answer this question we must go back to the basics of creation and Hashem's existence. Chazal teach us that nothing can exist in reality without it being completely enjoined with the will of Hashem. Simply speaking, nothing can exist in this universe without ratzon Hashem. We see from this that if we do not align ourselves with fulfilling His will we are not embedded in truthful reality, only illusion.

Many of the nations of the world agree that Torah offers a complete system of moral and ethical values that are crucial for healthy existence. However this is not why the Jewish people are instructed to fulfill Torah study and performance of mitzvot. We are to do so as an eved to his master. No rhythm or reason other than to align ourselves with the Divine purpose of creation.

The Greeks did not have any qualms about keeping Torah, however keeping laws for the sake of being loyal to a Supreme Authority, that could not be tolerated. Giving pleasure, nachat ruach, to Hashem, was considered absolutely absurd to them.

From here we see the direct link as to why we are told to say Your will. There should not be a mental or physical separation between that which we do and the fulfillment of Hashem's will; they are two sides of the same coin. Succeeding in finding the jug of sealed pure oil was testimony that Hashem's will is not to be 'mixed up' with anything else. There is no room for logic, social acceptance or in keeping with the times.

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