Wednesday, December 7, 2016

COLLIVE.COM [Aneinu] Rav Even-Israel Rushed to Hospital

Famed scholar Rabbi Adin Even Israel (Steinsaltz) suffered a stroke on Wednesday and was rushed to the hospital. Family members: "Please pray for him." Famed Talmud scholar Rabbi Adin Even Israel Steinsaltz was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday, after suffering a stroke. Doctors at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital Medical Center in Jerusalem were able to operate on him and he is now stable and conscious again and breathing on his own, "but it seems like many health questions remain and the road to recovery may be shaky and long," a student said. "Rabbi Steinsaltz is in need of all our prayers, we ask that everyone pray for Rabbi Adin ben Rivka Leah," a family member said. The 79 year old scholar is renowned for his monumental Hebrew translation and commentary on the Talmud. He completed the 46 volumes in the series in November, 2010. His commentary is now being published in English by Koren Publications. Born in Jerusalem in 1937 to secular parents, Rabbi Steinsaltz studied physics and chemistry at the Hebrew University. He established several experimental schools and, at the age of 24, became Israel's youngest school principal. The Rabbi's classic work of Kabbalah, The Thirteen Petalled Rose, was first published in 1980 and now appears in eight languages. In all, Rabbi Steinsaltz has authored some 60 books and hundreds of articles on subjects ranging from zoology to theology to social commentary. Continuing his work as a teacher and spiritual mentor, Rabbi Steinsaltz established a network of schools and educational institutions in Israel and the former Soviet Union. Please say Tehillim for click here to join

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