Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fwd: HAPPENING NOW... Its Live...

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-------- Original message --------
From: Mama Rachel <>
Date: 11/7/19 4:39 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: HAPPENING NOW... Its Live...

Join the Live Hookup at Mama Rachel

What is Mosdos Kever Rachel?

Fifteen years ago, at the height of the intifada, Kever Rachel was a desolate place. Much like Kever Yosef today, Kever Rachel was nearly abandoned, with few people visiting for fear of an Arab attack. Rabbi Moshe Kluger could not let this state of affairs be and sprang into action.

He began by arranging armored buses to Kever Rachel on Mama Rachel's yahrtzeit, and established a Kollel of yungeleit to learn on-site so there would be a constant kol Torah there. The slow trickle of visitors slowly turned into a stream, and today, Kever Rachel is alive 24 hours a day with the sounds of Torah and tefillah.

The day of learning begins at midnight, with members of the Kollel Chatzos who delve into their studies all night long. At dawn, they are joined by the Kollel Ashmuros Haboker. The daytime boasts additional kollelim as well, and today there are about 200 kollel yungeleit learning at Kever Rachel throughout every day.

In addition, Mosdos Kever Rachel sponsors and Aim Habanim Smaicha fund, which distributes assistance to many talmidei chachamim with large families.

On top of all this, Mosdos Kever Rachel sponsors busses from all heimishe neighborhoods to bring visitors safely to Kever Rachel. There's also a coffee room that serves drinks and refreshments to mispallelim at the kever.

Can you describe some of the yeshuos that people have experienced through Mosdos Kever Rachel?

Who else but a mother worries for her children and knows exactly what they need? Mama Rachel is the mother of us all. When we encourage Torah and tefillah at her side, she will surely ask Hashem to grant us everything we need.

When donors submit their names to Mosdos Kever Rachel, the talmidei chachamim dedicate their learning and davening at Kever Rachel to the merit of the donors. We have seen so many amazing stories of yeshuos and refuos – from people having children after many years, to seemingly hopelessly-ill people experiencing miraculous recoveries – all in the zechus of our beloved Mama Rachel.

Gedolei Yisrael throughout the centuries, of every sector and stripe, have encouraged petitioners to turn to Mama Rachel in their time of need. Most recently, Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, has been known to do so. Mama Rachel has always been there for us, and by being there for her, we can experience unbelievable salvation.

Mosdos Kever Rachel maintains a 24-hour tefillah line. Yidden from around the globe call in constantly to connect to Mama Rachel, even though they may be far away geographically.

What are Mosdos Kever Rachel's plans for this upcoming yahrtzeit, Yud Aleph Cheshvan?

If Mama Rachel's zechus is so strong throughout the year, we can only imagine how powerful it is on her yahrtzeit!

Mosdos Kever Rachel is organizing a "Maamad Bakashas Rachamim," where talmidei chachamim will recite several powerful tefillos and tikkunim. You don't want to be left out of this golden opportunity!

For those in Eretz Yisrael, Mosdos Kever Rachel has arranged for dozens of busses and accommodations for tens of thousands of visitors.

Harav Shlomke Zviller, zechuso yagen aleinu, would say, "Di Mama Hut Lib Ven Di Kinder Essen- A mother likes it when her children eat." To that end, Mosdos Kever Rachel is erecting a massive tent to serve enough food and drink for all the attendees. Since this year's yahrtzeit is on Shabbos, this also involves preparing Shabbos meals, which cost more.

Mama Rachel will surely beseech Hashem on behalf of her children and all of Klal Yisrael. May her tefillos bring the geula shelaima!

To submit names for the Maamad Bakashas Rachamim
Call now 888-276-2435

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