Monday, August 3, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 13 Av 5780/August 3, 2020

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Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 5:32 PM
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August 2, 2020 - 12 Av 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • In honor of the upcoming siyum on Meseches Shabbos, the Daf Yomi Commission continues its Hilchos Shabbos Halachah L'maaseh Series tonight, at 9:00 pm EDT. See below for more information. Tonight, Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld will be speaking about dinei choleh u'refuah b'Shabbos.

  • Bnos activities during the Nine Days were not slowed even a bit by COVID-19! See below for more information and for how your daughter can get involved with Bnos.

  • Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park in Chicago is continuing its series of shiurim by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst on halacha l'maaseh on sugyos from Daf Yomi. Tonight's shiur will be on Hilchos Dosh and S'chita: squeezing and cutting fruits, using baby wipes, etc. and will be held at 8:00 pm EDT (7:00 am CDT). The call in number is (518) 425-1725. 

  • Should your child's nonpublic school receive CARES Act funding? The Department of Education things so, and so do we. However, a lawsuit is blocking this funding, and the Department of Education is trying to implement a final rule to bypass the lawsuit. Please see below for the memo submitted by Rabbi Abba Cohen and Rabbi A.D. Motzen in support of the funding to nonpublic schools.

  • For our readers in New York State: Renters impacted by the pandemic can apply to a new COVID Rental Assistance Program. The program will provide direct aid for tenants who lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is funded through the Coronavirus Relief Fun, which is part of the CARES Act. You can access program applications here. The application deadline has been extended to August 6th. (Note that the program will prioritize eligible households with "greatest economic and social need" accounting for income, rent burden, percent of income lost and risk of homelessness.)

  • And for those New York State residents who live in New York City: Beginning today August 3rd, regular Alternate Side Parking is back, except for previously scheduled suspended days. One change that has been made permanent is if a side of a street has an ASP sign showing multiple days, street cleaning regulations will be in effect on that side of the street only on the latest day posted on the sign. For example, if the ASP sign says the side of the street is cleaned on Mondays and Thursdays, you only have to move your car from that side of the street on Thursday.

  • Finally, keep an eye out for today's new Ki Heim Chayeinu video, coming to your inbox soon!
Agudath Israel's Daf Yomi Commission 
Presents a Hilchos Shabbos Halachah L'maaseh Series in Honor of Siyum on Meseches Shabbos 
It may be more than six months since the 13th Siyum HaShas, but around the globe daf yomi learners continue to inspire Klal Yisroel with their unyielding commitment to the daf. For over half a year, and through the COVID-19 pandemic, these individuals and their families have made sacrifices to ensure the flame of Torah continues to burn.  
In honor of these individuals and the approaching Siyum on Meseches Shabbos, Agudath Israel of America's Daf Yomi Commission is proud to present a five-part Hilchos Shabbos Halachah L'maaseh series.  
The series will continues today, Monday, August 3rd, at 9:00 pm EDT, and will continue each day at that time, through Thursday evening. Tonight's speaker is Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld, Rav, Khal Ahavas Yisroel, Cleveland. He will be speaking on the topic of dinei choleh u'refuah b'Shabbos.
This unique program will give Daf Yomi learners and non-Daf Yomi learners alike an opportunity to apply their learning of Meseches Shabbos to halachah l'maaseh in a clear and enlightening manner.  
To participate in this program, go to or call 718.298.2077 x 52, at the time of each shiur.  
From Schoolgirls to Seniors:
Bnos Nine Days Virtual Programs
What does summer mean to you? Swimming, camp, or maybe a vacation?
But for THOUSANDS of seniors in NY and NJ nursing homes, summer means Bnos Bikur Cholim's (BBC) annual camp visit.
Each summer, particularly during the Nine Days, BBC connects ruach-filled campers with nursing home residents. The girls interact with the seniors by distributing hand-made cards and doing activities such as choirs, skits, and games.
Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudath Israel, coordinates the camp visits. But what would happen this year? There was NO WAY the campers could go into nursing homes.
Yet Mrs. Hass knew how much the residents AND the campers enjoy the visits. Months before the summer begins, camps and nursing homes would check in with her to make sure they were on the schedule. And this year, many seniors are struggling emotionally with the effects of isolation and quarantine.
No, canceling the program wasn't an option. The BBC camp visits would have to go virtual!
And so, they did. During the Nine Days, Mrs. Hass organized over 80 BBC virtual visits to seniors in residences or living at home! Campers presented skits and songs over Zoom or in recorded videos. Seniors connected in their rooms or spread out in auditoriums.
It wasn't simple. Sometimes, BBC worked with other organizations to get devices for seniors. Other times, BBC set up a Zoom account for the camp.
But the end result—uplifted seniors and inspired campers—was worth it.
And BBC wasn't the only Bnos virtual Nine Days program! Bnos also set up a Nine Days Hotline for elementary school girls.
Over 1000 girls called in! They learned about middos like dan l'kaf zechus (judging favorably) and heard a new story each day.
Challenges like the Bnos CCC (Chesed Creativity Contest) encouraged the girls to act on what they learned. For example, it's a chesed to call your Bubby. But it's a creative chesed to interview your Bubby on the phone about life when she was a girl.
And for high school girls, there was a Tisha b'Av virtual program. Bnos was responding to the many girls who usually spend Tisha b'Av in camp, but were at home this year, trying to get into the proper spirit.
The program clearly struck a chord because over 2000 girls participated on Tisha b'Av! They heard an inspiring story and divrei chizuk about yearning for the geulah, followed by a phone kumsitz. "Uplifting" was how one girl described it.
Once again, Bnos came through with creativity and flexibility, providing programming for all ages during the Nine Days.
To participate in a Bnos program, contact Mrs. Hass at the Bnos office. Email or call 212-797-9000 ext. 330 to get started.
What is Equitable?
Nonpublic School Families and the CARES Act
What is equitable? 
That is a multi-billion dollar question that Agudath Israel and others are trying to resolve on behalf of nonpublic school families. 
The CARES Act required states and local public school districts to provide nonpublic school students with an equitable share of the $16 billion included as part of its COVID-19 relief package. When the US Department of Education interpreted the Act in a way that ensures that nonpublic schools receive the full share of relief funds they were entitled to (a move we applauded at the time), several states filed a lawsuit. The case will determine the fate of hundreds of millions of dollars that were meant for nonpublic school students so Agudath Israel joined a group of 38 organizations in filing an amicus brief supporting the US Department of Education in its interpretation. Agudah also submitted official comments (click on image above) supporting the Department's interim final rule at the heart of the debate.
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