Thursday, September 17, 2020

FW: [chicago-aneinu] I wish you all a Sweet New Year

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 9/17/20 10:09 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] I wish you all a Sweet New Year

Dear Aneinu Members,

Who would have thought last year on Rosh Hashana that we would have an historic year like this! We saw our world turned upside down by a plague called Covid-19. We were astonished as we saw everything come to a screeching halt. Shuls, schools, and businesses closed down. Suddenly it became difficult to find tissues, toilet paper, and paper towels. We learned about masks and Clorox wipes. People who had never made Pesach were suddenly thrust into a whole new reality, and grandparents realized that they would be alone at the Pesach seder. We learned that nothing should be taken for granted, and we recognized how much we had taken for granted.

The tragedies in frum communities around the world, and here in our very own community were incomprehensible. Klal Yisroel has lost so many of our finest bnei Torah, gedolim, rabbanim, balebatim. How can we even begin to grasp the unimaginable scope of our loss? The communal responsibility for so many almanos and yesomim around the world is staggering. 

Then came the riots and the looting, and we were incredulous as we heard talk of defunding the police. Suddenly it was the policemen that were under attack, being ambushed and murdered. Add to that the hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and out of control forest fires. The message was and is clear. We have no one to rely upon other than Avinu Shebashamayim. Our Father in Heaven.

Through it all, Klal Yisroel has been there for each other. We learned that we live in an amazing community! As soon as the pandemic hit, our community organizations stepped up to the plate offering guidance, shopping, medical, and financial help for those who had lost there jobs. Meals were provided daily for our children, and Zoom became a household word with daily inspiration and learning opportunities. We have so much to be proud of.

Then there is our amazing Aneinu community. All of you who continue to answer the call when requests are posted for anything and everything. You have given generously of your time and your money. This past January an Aneinu member contacted me that her son had just arrived in Detroit on his way to Canada and realized that he left his passport at home, and could I please send out an email asking if anyone was traveling to Detroit. Chasdei Hashem within 5 minutes she received a text from a lovely couple who said they were leaving within the hour! Only later did she find out that this couple hadn't had any plans to go to Detroit. They read the email and decided to drive to Detroit to bring the young man his passport than turned around and drove back to Chicago! Mi k'amcha Yisroel!!!

Thank you all for your Tehillim and tefillos on behalf of the cholim in our community and in other communities. You have literally saved lives. 

I want to take this opportunity to ask for mechila from all of you for any mistakes I may have made while managing this list. There are times when I have to make difficult decisions regarding adding names to the refoeinu list, and it pains me when I have to tell someone that a choleh does not meet the criteria. Sometimes there are gray areas, and I just have to do the best that I can.

Please forgive me if I hurt or offended anyone. If I did it was certainly by mistake and not intentional, chas v'shalom. Managing this list has been and continues to be a real learning experience for me, and has been very humbling.

I really believe that this new year will bring a change for the better and I am looking forward to sharing besoros tovos with all of you. You and your families should be blessed with good health. Those who need refuos should be healed and those who need yeshuos should find salvation. Those in need of a shidduch should find their bashert and those waiting for children should be blessed with many. Those with children should see much nachas from them. You should all be blessed with shalom bayis and abundant parnassa, menuchas hanefesh and simchas hachaim. I look forward to meeting you all in Yerushalayim as we gaze upon the magnificent third Bais Hamikdash when Hashem brings Mashaich and the geulah shlema. May it be very soon.

Ksiva v'chasima tova,
Chaya Miriam

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