Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fwd: Sichos This Week + The Bookmark

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From: Project Likkutei Sichos <>
Date: Wed, Sep 2, 2020, 7:28 PM
Subject: Sichos This Week + The Bookmark
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

The new school year is beginning. Our children and teachers are starting a new year. Some are travelling near and some far. Masks, social distancing, quarantine, etc. are all part of the new norm but they don't stop us. We are moving forward. As your daily schedule changes with the environment around you, make sure that you pencil in that time for Project Likkutei Sichos.

Every Sicha, every learning session, every shiur brings meaning, connection and purpose into your life. New situations bring new opportunities, let's utilize them to bring the Bracha and inspiration of Likkutei Sichos into our homes and into our lives.

Ksiva Vachasim Tova!
August 31, 2020 •  יא' אלול תש׳׳פ
חלק יד • תבא • שיחה א
ארמי אובד אבי וירד מצרימה
Why do we mention these specific kindnesses when delivering Bikkurim to the Beis Hamikdash, what is the deeper significance of this Mitzva, and it's lesson today?
חלק יד • תבא • שיחה ב
נתן ה' לכם לב לדעת
What happened on this day that the yidden recognized the kindness of hashem and connected to him? How was this different from the past? On that day the Yidden had reached a new level of understanding and therefore new strength to overcome the negativity.
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Ksav Yad Kodesh - Pirsum Rishon
Once again we are proud to present a compilation of the Rebbe's handwritten edits on the ENTIRE sicha (round 1) and some of the edits of round 2.

We feel so humbled that we have the opportunity to share this with you and publicize this.

Certainly this will increase the "koch" and enthusiasm in learning and delving into the Rebbe's Sichos.

Thank you to Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schapiro and the team that made it happen. Link
Feature of the Week - 10 Minute Shiur
Sometimes we just run out of time, and cannot delve into each and every Sicha as much as we would like. Project Likkutei Sichos has a unique answer - the whole Sicha in 10 minutes (or less). Just listen for 10 minutes and you have an overview of the entire Sicha.

This week, in Tavo 1, we have 10 Shiurin in 10 minutes or less!

These Short Shiurim can also be used as an introduction before learning the whole Sicha, or a review after learning to summarize everything you've learned. Either way, everyone will gain from these 10 minute Shiurim. Try it, you'll like it.

This week's 10 minute Shiurim:
  1. Rabbi Moshe Gourarie
  2. Rabbi Mendel Krasnianski
  3. Rabbi Mendel Lipskier
  4. Rabbi Moshe Spalter
  5. Rabbi Menachem Dubruskin - Hebrew
  6. Rabbi Baruch Wilhelm - Hebrew
  7. Reb Eitan Abourmad - French
  8. Rav Yisrael Piha - Italian
  9. Rabino Yaakov Nurkin - Portugese
  10. Rabino Asher Farkash - Spanish
The Project Likkutei Sichos Bookmark
We are proud to present a token of appreciation to all the participants of Project Likkutei Sichos, past present and future: The Project Likkutei Sichos Bookmark.

A beautiful way to track where you're holding, and remind you that you are part of the most amazing group of learners in the world. These bookmarks are free, and are available at
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
Please share this email with your friends and colleagues who are not signed up to this list.
Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
לע״נ החסיד ר׳ אהרן ב״ר יהושע שניאור זלמן סערעבריאנסקי ע״ה
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